Gorosei Informer

I was unlucky enough to have dealt with the n64, switched to ds when it came out and then emulator years after that bc I thought pc master race was a ploy by Microsoft 😂😂😂😭
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Lmao damn, I've never thought of the PC master race culture as a Microsoft thing but given all the weird things I've known and see companies do especially in the past few years now, I wouldn't put it past them tbh!

People are gradually moving to and preferring PC gaming these days too for various reasons so Microsoft will be laughing too! Along with those massive acquistions they've made of gaming companies including fucking Activision and thus Blizzard recently too ofc!

I actually bought a DS Lite again after many years, despite the hinges on so many of them breaking on me in the past as I just missed it so bad. I kept making the mistake of ordering them online like a "genius" rather than buying one in person from a store but this one, I bought from a store specifically and made sure it was all ok and fully working and such too.

I also was on the Advance Wars hype train and missing some other games so had to get one for nostalgia's sake. I really miss my Gamecube and Wii U most of all but N64 days might have been the most fun and best I've had in general?

Emulation is so damn good, it feels almost like a miracle especially with how game preservation is treated by the gaming industry especially Nintendo who are the worst offenders when it comes to that too. I've saved so much money on games that way but I always gladly buy games I really enjoy, look forward to or just want to support the devs too.

Speaking of miracles/godsends too, Steam has been the biggest one for that especially on the "fully legal" side ofc. It still floors me completely how easy its is to build up a massive collections thanks to their massive discounts, regular and also massive sales and all these extremely cheap game bundle sites, giveaways and such.