Gorosei Informer

Sad, I held off on watching that series for so many years now I have no idea whats the hint about


I've not seen it either but this is hilarious lmao^

It's either the movie or the anime, but one of them has a pretty fucked up ending too. Not sure of the context for it, how and why it got to that point and why that particularly controversial moment happened too.
Gendo Ikari was so obsessed with his wife he cloned her, do we have someone so in love with their wife on onigashina? lol
Or it's a scientist reference and means something about Vegapunk and his cloning experiments.
What else?
I’m pretty sure it’s the scientist reference. Lebren also said someone is in orochi’s castle and the only person who it makes sense to be there at this point is Vegapunk. Orochi ordered CP0 to bring him to Wano, he’s probably been waiting there the entire time