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LMAOOO @Akai2 I was re-reading chapter 7 of F vs P and I must have missed the line where redon said "I was a top provider before you learned how to tweet in English!!" I'M FUCKING CRYING IRL

I woke up my dog laughing and he started barking :broocry:
People actually re-reading the chapters now? Y'all crazy man :kobeha:
Wait. So Eten is a woman and TAC is too? Uhoh. This gonna get dangerous.:catcry:catded
You got catfished by TAC :pepestop:


Share them :pepeshy::pepebusi:
I reread the ohara chapter every week because of your outstanding CoO, that I'm above both Lebrent and Drumzy
Chief EtenBoby was one of my favorite character to write. You were so evil :suresure::noo:
don't Blame us! your Shit is too good man! :cheers:
Appreciate y'all. Gonna be on hiatus for a while. I don't really have all my meming tools at the moment cause I'm abroad.
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