Gorosei Informer

That's one of my biggest counters to people that say "you don't like Post-TS because you read it weekly instead of getting to binge it"

bitch, i caught up to One Piece at the end of Whole Cake (Snakeman chapter), and even binge watching / reading i could tell a drop in quality from Pre-TS to Post-TS

i can't even imagine following Whole Cake weekly

sounds like hell
It WAS hell tbh. I felt like was dying inside by the time BM chased the SHs. I think she chased them for 27 chapters in toys but I may wrong.
I really enjoyed Luffy vs Katakuri luckily and some other parts of the arc but watching my boy Sanji sufferso much and then Luffy, Nani and such too was just really defeating and upsetting too.
Lack of Zoro half of the SHs didn't help either. Pudding got really annoying and confusing too and I absolutely hated Germa bar Reiju and Sora too.

Oda even recycled Big Mom and Judge being abusive parents and explosive handcuffs with Kaido and Yamato, after another fakeout with Sanji and Judge.

Plus as a MHA fan, seeing the same kind of storyline with Endeavour and unsurprisingly Dabi Toya too maybe it even worse as well.

I come from a very abusive background and my neighbour from hell for 14 years now is an extremely abusive father and man too, so this was getting extremely upsetting, personal and exhausting for me to see and read too naturally.

WCI really dragged on when the assassination or "raid" failed too and it was even slower as an arc in the anime too, seducing woods really were like the lost woods from Zelda OOT after all.

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Average climax fan editor vs edging enjoyer Oda


Heavy Metal
Norse has a nice ending nit gonna lie. Everyone dies. Thor kills Jörmungandr. Jörmungandr kills Thor. Fenrir kills Odin, was it Tyr to who killed fenrir?
Tyr and Fenrir were the most loyal companions.

Fenrir, son of Loki, was captured by gods and they tried to tame, or at least to chain him up. Non known chain could keep him locked, he destroyed everything with ease. They then tried to use even non existing materials to chain him down, like sounds of cat footsteps, but he outgrew even them with ease. Amused, Fenrir made the gods an offer. If they show him trust, laying their hand into his mouth, he will show them trust and follow them. All of them refused, they knew he is lying, he even is the son of Loki.
Fenrir made himself lose again by the chains, then Tyr stepped in front. He smiled, put his hand/arm into Fenrirs mouth and looked him straight up in the eyes. Fenrir bite of his arm in one chop and then asked Tyr why he did it, since he saw in Tyrs eyes, Tyr knew he will lose his arm. Tyr answered: “Because I show you my trust. You never said you wont bite the arm, but you offered your trust.”

Fenrir growled, but he started to follow Tyr, didn’t attacked the gods again, but made sure, from that moment, Tyr would never lose any fight again.


Heavy Metal
That would be dope. But how would you make it different from a regular wolf zoan? What sorts of traits would the Fenryr fruit have?
Fenrir was known for his strength and size. Nothing could chain him up or stop his fury. Not even godly magical chains could hold him down. He is something like a nordic hulk in wolfform.

I still think his story fits pretty well to Killer and we can consider Kid as Tyr, since the story fits well too!.

Gorosei Informer

Fujitora is a beast.
People clowning Fujitora due to garbage ass plot devices are just dumb.
I really, REALLY like every single Admiral shown so far.
Aokiji D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-I-N-G the M3 to show his threat to the audience, Kizaru surfing a canonball and going all "moshi? mooooooshi?" and speedblizting all the SN's.
Akainu blowing WB's face, dealing with everyone trying to mess with him, like a fucking Behemoth that could not be stopped until Shanks arrived.
Fujitora casually thowing fucking meteors and lifting entire city blocks. So fucking cool.
Can't wait for the last one. Every Admiral is a spectacular "hit" in my book.
Exactly man! The Admirals always deliver in presence, threat and hype! Oda based them on his favourite actors after all! Especially Akainu who is Bunta Sugawara ofc.

I don't understand how people can downplay such extremely impressive and significant threats, forces of nature, powerhouses etc!

Everytime they show up, shit gets REAL immediately and Fujitora was an absolute wild card too. I can't wait for Green Bull too for these reasons as I believe he will be the most chaotic, unpredictable, destructive etc Admiral tbh! Except maybe Akainu for destructive ofc lol.

Aokiji has shown immense feats everytime too including in Film Z and him instantly freezing Doflamingo without even touching him or getting closer is INSANE!

I love the implications that certain islands are permanently changed by Logia awakenings potentially and that Akainu and Aokiji did drastically and permanently change the climate of Punk Hazard too somehow.

I couldn't have said it better myself man.

Honestly I feel Oda has the best top tier characters I've ever seen and this is coming from someone who adored Gildarts over every character I've known lmfao.

I just really hope Shanks and Mihawk can live up to the hype somehow too. I've never seem anything like Whitebeard at Marineford too and that still blows my mind entirely to this day!
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