You literally wngaged with it just by responding to me

Did I not say Sanji is standing and Zoro is snoring? That was me comparing the two and being toxic about it

what did you do? Respond right? Therefore contradicting your argument of not engafing in Sanji vs Zoro arguments yet you did…..
I'm not taking a stance between sanjitards and zorotards cause I do not entretain the idea. I engage with people on both sides who I percieve as toxic to the community with their baseless and stupid arguments. But I do not engage in zoro vs sanji (hopefully your kindergarten brain can understand that without misrepresenting what I'm saying). I made all of those things very explicit. I'll repeat once more, the fact that you are trying to get a cheap "gotcha" just proves my point. You're a toxic one trick pony. Now go back to your room and let father wait for his spoilers.