i expected more terror after he became the Fleet Admiral, considering the stuff he did in Marineford
at least we're finally getting some action from the Marines going after the Warlords, but most people believe that the majority of them will escape lol
i expected more terror after he became the Fleet Admiral, considering the stuff he did in Marineford
at least we're finally getting some action from the Marines going after the Warlords, but most people believe that the majority of them will escape lol
i expected more terror after he became the Fleet Admiral, considering the stuff he did in Marineford
at least we're finally getting some action from the Marines going after the Warlords, but most people believe that the majority of them will escape lol
to me that chapter made it sound like Blackbeard wasn't being focused at all, in fact he felt free to go after something he wants because the Marines were occupied with other shit
i was expecting the marines to become more effective and brutal since Akainu took place
but it feels kinda like Sengoku again, that a strong character rises up the ranks, but when it's put in the top, finds out all the bullshit they have to follow because of the Celestial Dragons and they end up not getting to do anything
so the Marines still feel the same, Pre-TS or Post-TS
Yeah I know many people who were practically threaned to be vaccinated or be let go from their jobs.
I'm lucky I have my own office so I wasn't forced to anything but it did make some transactions difficult for about two months. Nowadays no one even bother you if you vaccinated or not where I'm from.
Belive it or not from my circle of friends and family I'm the only one who's not vaccinated and I'm almost the only one who hasn't contacted Covid at all since it began.
i was expecting the marines to become more effective and brutal since Akainu took place
but it feels kinda like Sengoku again, that a strong character rises up the ranks, but when it's put in the top, finds out all the bullshit they have to follow because of the Celestial Dragons and they end up not getting to do anything
so the Marines still feel the same, Pre-TS or Post-TS
Unless they're causing trouble you don't have to get them removed. People got their facial nerves damaged from wisdom teeth removal, you know? That's not harmless.
im still pretty sure Oda will make a novel in collaboration with Boiichi (Dr. Stone mangaka) about Kaido extended flashback because Ace novel already ended + Dr. Stone already ended too.
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