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Talent is something you make bloom.
  • Chapter 1050: "Glory"
  • Cover Story: "Niji and Yonji run free on Tottoland!"
  • Luffy melts into the floor like a puddle as Gear 5th deactivates, he's drained of stamina and cannot fight.
  • Yamato and Momo swoop down to congratulate Luffy on the victory.
  • "Heheh.. I promised my crew the biggest party after we won, I couldn't disappoint them!"
  • Kaido stumbles out of the crater he made and appears ready to fight again. Momonosuke and Yamato stand between him and Luffy.
  • Kaido laughs and says he no longer has business in Wano with Joyboy here.
  • Translation pending: Kaido either says he'll seek Luffy out if he becomes pirate king or he'll see him again on Raftel
  • Charlotte Linlin crawls out of her crater and sees dragon Kaido flying off.
  • Chapter ends with Momo suddenly worrying for Kin'emon and the others.
  • No break next week.
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