He sued Amber for the money he would've gotten for his next movie right ?
i think its a defamation case.. from Amber acting like the victim to Johnny proving he was the victim etc
Amber was supposed to give 6-7 million bucks to charity that she took from Johnny after their Divorce..

and she never did even after 13 month had passed.. when Johnny hadn't even sued her yet.
aah that ambivalent feeling
well it is what it is ig.. if its equally worth regretting as it is worth sacrificing for something else.. i think it was a choice you had to make.. where did that end up taking you tho?
Comparatively to me doing uni, I'm in a hole. I'm not broke but I'm busting my ass to make as much money as I am.. It does give me a lot of regret but at the same time it feels like it was the right thing for me at that time. I could go to uni but I feel like I've wasted too much time to start on the road of becoming a neurologist. Nowadays the government has a lot of support funding for uni students and stuff, which I had no clue about. My life back then was also a bit harder, I had no good connection with family at that time.. Working as well as studying medicine would've made it very hard to balance and I didn't want to have to thrive in one area so the other could fall behind
Yea but let's be honest he could call it a day at any time he wants too, though, he obviously wants to save his reputation.
obviously. she ruined his career. i’d like him to star again in pirates of the caribbean, but this seems impossible. we’ll have margot robbie as a captain of a pirate ship in a period where women on ships was considered bad luck. Tbh i think she can play well the part of one of the two women pirates that lived in the XVII century (don’t remember their name)