if luffy were ever once in the history of the comic said to have a disease it would make sense for chopper to cure him. as it is luffy is exhausting his lifespan by pushing himself too hard, which isnt something medicine can cure. maybe if law makes him immortal that will go away.

choppers dream is to cure all diseases, not stop everyone from dying of natural causes
you can use every logic you want

but if Luffy dies at the age of 19 for some biological reason, not by execution or in a fight

Chopper will feel guilty and depressed for the rest of his fucking life

it's pretty easy to understand

do you think that's gonna be Chopper's EoS?
Never forget one piece YouTubers praised Oda after the Raizo chapter dropped
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I’m a member of the living in reality club.
they will praise it no matter what

hating on it doens't give enough views

not for One Piece of course

if you want views hating on something, go talk about the Sequels in Star Wars