
Makes me legit angry how well this shit works. I saw it first start with youtubers like LegendMac and BlackLegVinsmoke years ago and now its blownup with hundreds of random copycat youtubers getting 50k views average on their videos at least. I've even seen videos with several thousand or a million, maybe a few million at most views, all completely clickbait, word salad, hype fellating shit like this.

Joyboy Theories DOMINATED OP Youtube with this shit too, I watched his channel explode in popularity in a week by doing shit like this and thus he gained over a 100k subs in that time at least?

Small Youtuber with good mic >>> All who are 100k Above.
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If Uta had a F in her name, I'd be MUCH more interested tbh!


Gorosei Informer

Small Youtuber with good mic >>> All who are 100k Above.
Big facts, its why I love the Youtubers Prototype Vergo and Drizzt, they are generally more humble and a lot more entertaining, "honest" or sincere and such to watch. Vergo is absolutely hilarious, hes made me laugh to tears many times before, a genuinely jolly, energetic, funny bastard and Drizzt is wickedly funny too when he wants to be too!

Vergos reactions are like nobody else I've ever seen, hes so over the top but its genuine, more sincere, like hes a real life Bartolomeo or something, a real hype man/super fan or so, he just really enjoys One Piece so much and reacts accordingly to it.

Drizzt is very witty ands arcastic and likes to joke around with himself, so hes definitely got some great humility too.

Also @Fiji is great if you know him ofc. Mr ZKK himself too lol.

These others channels that are way more bigger really do feel like corporations, that whole fake, mass manufactured, heavily controlled in every way, corporate feel. That its all a veil, facade, act or whatever, no true sincerity, just grifitng, exploitation, begging for subs/likes/retweets/shares or whatever.

I know I'm gonna sound like such a typical hipster/boomer or whatever, but these more niche channels are often far better. Same with businesses IRL sometimes, not always but sometimes ofc.

I tend to prefer smaller shops, takeaways/chicken or kebab, pizzeria, fish and c hip shops or whatever, cinemas and such. I find humility, being grounded and such far more appealing. Something more natural and less artifical so to speak.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Makes me legit angry how well this shit works. I saw it first start with youtubers like LegendMac and BlackLegVinsmoke years ago and now its blownup with hundreds of random copycat youtubers getting 50k views average on their videos at least. I've even seen videos with several thousand or a million, maybe a few million at most views, all completely clickbait, word salad, hype fellating shit like this.

Joyboy Theories DOMINATED OP Youtube with this shit too, I watched his channel explode in popularity in a week by doing shit like this and thus he gained over a 100k subs in that time at least?


Both Oharas, especially Fox Ohara or the one who used to collab with Morj (so not Library of Ohara but the other one) is notorious for this now especially too.

They all feel like they've come off an assembly line, the most mass manufactured Youtubers, chasing algoritms and the clickbait wild goose chase culture of modern Youtube/Social Media/Internet/whatever.

So shallow, fake, exaggerated and lots of pointless rambling (I say this ironically as someone who does this a LOT too lmfao)/
Grandline Review also stated doing this as well and it's a big reason why I unsubbed. Also his style of content was getting grating. I feel bad for anime only watchers or first time manga readers since they can't look up something One Piece related without some dick spoiling it for them.

I've been careful sending my friend One Piece stuff because of this because he's a couple clicks away from getting major shit revealed. It's beyond annoying.


Big facts, its why I love the Youtubers Prototype Vergo and Drizzt, they are generally more humble and a lot more entertaining, "honest" or sincere and such to watch. Vergo is absolutely hilarious, hes made me laugh to tears many times before, a genuinely jolly, energetic, funny bastard and Drizzt is wickedly funny too when he wants to be too!

Vergos reactions are like nobody else I've ever seen, hes so over the top but its genuine, more sincere, like hes a real life Bartolomeo or something, a real hype man/super fan or so, he just really enjoys One Piece so much and reacts accordingly to it.

Drizzt is very witty ands arcastic and likes to joke around with himself, so hes definitely got some great humility too.

Also @Fiji is great if you know him ofc. Mr ZKK himself too lol.

These others channels that are way more bigger really do feel like corporations, that whole fake, mass manufactured, heavily controlled in every way, corporate feel. That its all a veil, facade, act or whatever, no true sincerity, just grifitng, exploitation, begging for subs/likes/retweets/shares or whatever.

I know I'm gonna sound like such a typical hipster/boomer or whatever, but these more niche channels are often far better. Same with businesses IRL sometimes, not always but sometimes ofc.

I tend to prefer smaller shops, takeaways/chicken or kebab, pizzeria, fish and c hip shops or whatever, cinemas and such. I find humility, being grounded and such far more appealing. Something more natural and less artifical so to speak.
As for big creator. Only exception I can make Is tekking101.

Gorosei Informer

Grandline Review also stated doing this as well and it's a big reason why I unsubbed. Also his style of content was getting grating. I feel bad for anime only watchers or first time manga readers since they can't loom up something One Piece related without some dick spoiling it for them.

I've been careful sending my friend One Piece stuff because of this because he's a couple clicks away from getting major shit revealed. It's beyond annoying.
GLR is extremely obnoxious and fake, oh my god. I hate him so much now lol. Ever since he turned up the ante on his main channel and started the (just a simple, humble, everyday) "Dude In A Room" channel shit, that seemed to act like it wasnt associated with his main channels going by his channel page for it at least, it just felt so idk if abrasive is the right word, but insincere, obnoxious or something, idk.

I used to like him a while ago, thought he was interesting, charming and entertaining but then he really got over the top, much like Ohara but I never liked Ohara to be fair, both of those guys really come off as smug, self serving and such, especially Ohara maybe.

When they start spamming lengthy videos constantly where they are more like rapidly made, miniature podcasts at best or poor mans video essays, thats when they lose me. Especially when they start doing such senstionalist titles, heavily edited and obnxious thumbnails and thus deliberately misleading potential viewers, including using custom artwork to try and make their propaganda seem more "legit/canon" too.

Yeah, Reddit was really upset with Youtubers constantly spoiling shit in their video titles and thumbnails not long ago. Its been an issue for a long time but its really escalated lately and blew up on the main OP Reddit at least. All those Youtubers just want to chase the hype train whilst its leaving the station so to speak, be the first to get onboard it and whatever.

Its really not fair for new OP fans at all. I can only imagine how much your friend would suffer trying to browse OP Youtube as you said. Its not like here or Reddit where there are staff to curate/quality control everything and keep spoilers contained in their respective threads/sections and thus prevent newer readers or anime onlies or official chapters only or whatever fans getting spoiled ofc.

Its such a disingenious, self serving, disgusting culture tbh. Really puts the cult in culture too. Culture vultures even lol.

Gorosei Informer

As for big creator. Only exception I can make Is tekking101.
Tekking is very awesome. Ive always found him endearing. I used to watch him a lot but once he turned up the Barry the Brick shit, he kinda lost me tbh lol. The dark era of OP Youtubers doing plushies and such too.
I still really like Tekking as a person generally though.

I still remember when Prototype Vergo had his first Reverie appearance, he passed out as he likes to drink a lot and he works hella hard and long shifts too or so, a real backbreaking job I believe, so he was exhausted when the Reverie happened and he tried to not to let them down with it being his debut and unfortunately he passed out from exhaustion not that long into the Reverie itself!

As everyone was chatting away and having a wild time as usual, they suddenly stopped when they realised they could hear snoring and they eventually realised it was Vergo who had fallen asleep. He was snoring on mic which was distracting them and disrupting the conversation and stream so they left and made a new Google Hangouts call and whilst everyone was laughing and clowning on Vergo (we all did find it absolutely hilarious at the time including the amazing memes and #NappingVergo trend that started due to that), Tekking was genuinely really worried/concerned for Vergo, asking if he was ok and being really nice and understanding.

It was in that moment, that I really respected Tekking tbh. He always was pretty likeable, endearing, weirdly charming and such for me, very positive, down to earth, genuinely passionate, quirky etc but the way he reacted and responded to Vergo falling asleep really sold me on what kind of person he really is or has been always ofc.

I also really like how Tekking raises tons of money for charity too, those St Judes Childrens Hospital fundraising streams he does IIRC. Im not sure if still he does them but I think he would do one this month as he has done before, if he still does them and hasnt done one yet already ofc? I havent seen his videos in ages now tbh.

A long story anyway I know, but I figured y'all might like to hear about it and get the full context lol. Might make it better ofc!

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
GLR is extremely obnoxious and fake, oh my god. I hate him so much now lol. Ever since he turned up the ante on his main channel and started the (just a simple, humble, everyday) "Dude In A Room" channel shit, that seemed to act like it wasnt associated with his main channels going by his channel page for it at least, it just felt so idk if abrasive is the right word, but insincere, obnoxious or something, idk.

I used to like him a while ago, thought he was interesting, charming and entertaining but then he really got over the top, much like Ohara but I never liked Ohara to be fair, both of those guys really come off as smug, self serving and such, especially Ohara maybe.

When they start spamming lengthy videos constantly where they are more like rapidly made, miniature podcasts at best or poor mans video essays, thats when they lose me. Especially when they start doing such senstionalist titles, heavily edited and obnxious thumbnails and thus deliberately misleading potential viewers, including using custom artwork to try and make their propaganda seem more "legit/canon" too.

Yeah, Reddit was really upset with Youtubers constantly spoiling shit in their video titles and thumbnails not long ago. Its been an issue for a long time but its really escalated lately and blew up on the main OP Reddit at least. All those Youtubers just want to chase the hype train whilst its leaving the station so to speak, be the first to get onboard it and whatever.

Its really not fair for new OP fans at all. I can only imagine how much your friend would suffer trying to browse OP Youtube as you said. Its not like here or Reddit where there are staff to curate/quality control everything and keep spoilers contained in their respective threads/sections and thus prevent newer readers or anime onlies or official chapters only or whatever fans getting spoiled ofc.

Its such a disingenious, self serving, disgusting culture tbh. Really puts the cult in culture too. Culture vultures even lol.
Oh yea he would spam all of his other channel uploads on his community page as well and clog my feed.

"INTERVIEW WITH A PORN STAR???!!!!" Was the breaking point for me

Fake is definetly a good way to describe him. He feels very ingenuine in his videos, especially the "live reactions" he started to do as well.
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After reading film Mid. I need spoilers now
Film Red plot came out?
is it true g5 luffy wiill be in the movie?
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Another reason why rreddit is better than worstgen forums. One of our guys got to watch premiere, i bet u worstgen pussies wouldntt get that hahahahahah
Oh yea he would spam all of his other channel uploads on his community page as well and clog my feed.

"INTERVIEW WITH A PORN STAR???!!!!" Was the breaking point for me

Fake is definetly a good way to describe him. He feels very ingenuine in his videos, especially the "live reactions" he started to do as well.
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Film Red plot came out?
Yep and it’s worse then Stampede which is insane

Gorosei Informer

Oh yea he would spam all of his other channel uploads on his community page as well and clog my feed.

"INTERVIEW WITH A PORN STAR???!!!!" Was the breaking point for me

Fake is definetly a good way to describe him. He feels very ingenuine in his videos, especially the "live reactions" he started to do as well.
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Film Red plot came out?
Yeah I was gonna mention the interview with a pornstar thing, that made me extremely uncomfortable. Even though it was on his new channel, it was about OP content and OP is a "Family friendly series" and "written for kids" or at least OP stans love to keep reminding us and GLRs targeted demographic seems to be younger fans given how he acts and especially presents his videos and such ofc.

He didnt even try to word it more "respectfully" like "adult entertainment/video star" which still isnt a massive difference but far better imo. He just put porn star but changed it to pron to avoid "censorship/demonetisation" or whatever lol.

Oh he does live reactions now too? Ive seen some complaints of certain Youtubers peeping spoilers before they live react and thus "phoning it in" or worse grossly exaggerating their reactions for clout.

I heard a certain Youtuber (who does not have an account on here, at least "publicly/officially" to narrow down the potential "suspects" slightly) got clowned during a live reaction because they got upset/angry at what happened in the chapter and thus may have started looking at spoilers here and there at least, to try to prevent another scenario like that happening.

This is all rumours though, who knows what the truth is ofc. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was true either.

Regarding Film Red, it supposedly premiered in Japan today or whatever so leaks are inbound soon. Gotta love how we have to wait a couple of months but we're gonna end up hearing all the spoilers thanks to Twitter, Reddit, Youtube and the like lol. I do want to be spoiled on the film though ASAP, I need to know how much more BS it will be than Stampede, especially since it involves Shanks as its cerntral premise, well his "daughter" ofc and thus by proxy him too.

I'm sure Shanks is gonna get revealed as a D given the hinting in the logo and that we don't know his full name yet either. I also mentioned in the thread for Red (lol) that Elegia the island Uta is on, is the Latin word for Elegy, a song or poem for mourning the dead. Take that as you will ofc, its definitely gonna be important imo, something deliberate, maybe Utas mother or something?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Oh he does live reactions now too? Ive seen some complaints of certain Youtubers peeping spoilers before they live react and thus "phoning it in" or worse grossly exaggerating their reactions for clout
Sorry I meant in chapter reviews where he adds his "reactions" that just repeat the thing he said a second before.

Regarding Film Red, it supposedly premiered in Japan today or whatever so leaks are inbound soon. Gotta love how we have to wait a couple of months but we're gonna end up hearing all the spoilers thanks to Twitter, Reddit, Youtube and the like lol. I do want to be spoiled on the film though ASAP, I need to know how much more BS it will be than Stampede, especially since it involves Shanks as its cerntral premise, well his "daughter" ofc and thus by proxy him too.

I'm sure Shanks is gonna get revealed as a D given the hinting in the logo and that we don't know his full name yet either. I also mentioned in the thread for Red (lol) that Elegia the island Uta is on, is the Latin word for Elegy, a song or poem for mourning the dead. Take that as you will ofc, its definitely gonna be important imo, something deliberate, maybe Utas mother or something?
I have not watched a One Piece film yet, though I am curious on how this will shake out.

Might be some reveals that make it in the manga like how the name Laugh Tale did in Stampede. But a lot of Shanks being Uta's father is a good chance of being bait.