Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@AdmiralKinyagi @MarineHQ62 @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Red Admiral lets say Oda allows Momo to beat GB

How would you feel and would it affect your standing as an Admiral stan?
Hmm…would I enjoy the Admirals any less as characters? Absolutely not, these characters are by far my favorites in One Piece and quite frankly the only reason I still follow this poopoo manga lol.

Would it effect how I see them in terms of power? It depends on the manner by which Oda defeats them. For example if only minimal Haki is used to defeat Green Bull, or if he’s defeated in relatively few attacks while also not accomplishing very much prior to his defeat, it may effect how I see them in power a little bit.

But the simple act of Green Bull being defeated in Wano will not necessarily effect my opinion of their power, I’ve said multiple times now that I think Green Bull very well could fall here, especially if Oda really plans to end this shit in 3 years lol. I would have to see the manner of his defeat to come to a conclusion about whether or not I was wrong about his power level.

If he loses a 1v1 to Momonosuke, I’ll be clear, I think there is like a 1% chance of this happening lol, I am 99% convinced that Green Bull will either defeat Momo convincingly or that someone will interfere before their fight concludes, with it being clear that Momo would’ve lost without the help.

Putting aside my own fanboyism, for Oda to have a character like Momo, who has literally zero combat ability and no experience with Haki whatsoever, to defeat a fucking Logia Admiral..I might just drop the manga on the spot, and I would say the same thing if a character like Momo defeated a Yonko 1v1. It would be such a ludicrous story decision that would so severely shatter my sense that Oda is telling a competent story, I probably would just stop reading.

I did the same thing when Kishimoto had Madara solo all 5 Kage with ease, he jumped the shark so severely that I literally turned the anime off mid-episode and never fucked with it ever again lol.

So, yeah. I’ll tell you when I see it, I truly will be honest if Green Bull underwhelms or we get any moments where he seems weaker than the Yonko. I truly do believe he has been incredible so far, and this is one of the clearer indications we’ve ever seen that Admiral = Yonko but I will certainly give my honest opinion in the end lol.

But I doubt my love for the Admirals will ever fade. Lol, even as Oda has fucked Wano up beyond belief (imo) I still have hope that he will deliver for them at EOS.
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Let's say it happens. I think a surprise Boro Breath which is a very strong one becauee Momo can't control his powers yet properly and ends up firing one that's too strong accidentallty, and ends up flinging Ryokugyu out of Wano (wounded but not defeated)
That's still bad, considering every one and they're mother countered Kaido's Bolo Breath.