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Cabbage and others are suggesting events are up to interpretation, so here's a possible ambiguous outcome that also lacks tension:

Momo and scabbards fight hard enough that Aramaki just gives up and goes home. Either he says alright this is not worth the trouble, or someone on the warship phones him up and calls him back. In either case he doesn't exactly lose, but rather fails to win. Perfectly mid chapter also explaining the unusual lack of hints and spoilers.


I will never forgive Oda
Greenbull wishes he had a merienda. Merienda literally makes Katakuri a top tier character but yall aint ready for that conversation
Well, I hate Katakuri so it'll probably be a very heated conversation.
Dafuq. Nora is great.
Ren does absolutely nothing.
I wanted to like Ren, but he just.....doesn't do anything.....:kaidowhat:

Mercury ftw. Too bad he'll have a horrible death called "new writers are really bad compared to good old Mounty"
My man... Mercury and Nora? Wtf, these are awful characters. Next you'll tell me you like Hazel.

True. Seasons 4 & 5 were really really bad. 6 was surprisingly good and I loved 7. Do you got any hopes for 8, in 2023?

Formerly Seth

The worst thing that could happen is Shanks scaring him off
Or Momo TnJing him

Everything else is ok-ish I guess
"Scaring him off" is a big claim.

I can totally imagine Ryokugyu toying with Yamato and Scabbards but at some point, he senses that Red Hair Pirates are here and he decides "not to overdo it" as Akainu told him not to.
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