Idk, I'm too burnt out on Shonen to pick up new series anymore, especially long running series and or new series by authors I do know too ironically. I actually burned bridges with Fairy Tail pretty badly due to the final arc and I'm only gradually coming back to it lately tbh.
I really don't care for the sci-fi theme of Eden's Zoro too (LOL WTF ZORO?!) I mean Zoro ofc....oh ffs lmfao, ZERO, I MEAN ZERO! Too much Zoro on my mind!
But yeah I'm not keen on sci-fi stuff tbh, I used to be kinda into it but not anymore. Also characters being apparent clones of Fairy Tail characters really bothers me too. Its way too on the nose. I know Mashima recycles somes designs as he did from Rave Master to FT but this is too much for me too.
There's FT 100 Year Quest to read too and I've heard its pretty good generally but I really don't want to get into any new series by Mashima either as I know I'm gonna encounter the issues I had with FT too, which made me grow to really hate and get fed up with it before. I did see a spoiler about the prologue/1st episode or w/e about EZ (lol EZ) and it really surprised me but I just really cannot invest myself into new series anymore. I very rarely will try anything new these unlike my old self where I read and watched so many series at random lol.
Dark Fantasy though? Interesting. Makes me think of how I heard Black Clover was trying to be Berserk and honestly it felt like MHA has been trying to do the same with the art and some more darker themes it implied/alluded to maybe or at least more Seinen type demographic/tone in general? More darker and mature and w/e?
Yeah, FT really does have everything, its actually overhated and underrated imo, especially in the anime too. The clock keys "filler" arc with Lucy, her dad and her "friend" Michelle was magnificent imo.
I also really adore Brandish, someone I forgot to mention earlier, as well as Aquarius and Virgo lol.
Tartaros was absolutely goated and Silver was genuinely peak fiction, especially with all that build up, what we learned about him and how it came full circle from the beginning of the series lol. I really loved that and his character so much. Great quotes, personality, design, power, role, writing in general etc. Couldn't have asked for better even maybe. Silver was
really tragic and it made me love and really yearn for Gray to find happiness once and for all and to stop suffering already too.
I used to hate Irene too ironically because of what she did to Erza (it was blatantly obvious she is Erzas mother from her first appearance so not even bothering to spoiler tag it) but I grew to understand and feel sorry for her over time too. She was quite a complicated, unapologetic/daring character and I respect Mashima for what he did with her. It made for much more interesting and imo better writing and a lot of tragedy and thus development for Erza too.
Irene was also just fucking amazing as a mage too ofc!
And then there was August too, hoo boy, thats a whole story in itself too haha.
We don't talk about Larcade and Serena though, the less said about them, the better...