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Talent is something you make bloom.
I didn’t snap, I am very stable and thinking straight
It is just that I tossed away my biased thoughts earlier and finally embraced the fact that I adore Yamato
Is it an elaborate way to indirectly keep admiring Kaido through her?
Not that it matters.
Yamato is great.
And I lowkey want her to keep the Oden thing just because I love how it triggers people more than how much I dislike it.
Keep throwing shi#s on Mihawk..
When the greatness appears, it would be too late to turn it around fs...
Mihawk is one of oda's best sketch and people think he will clown this character?
He wouldn't do that, eh providers?
Oda made Mihawk sit on an island with baboons for 25 years with zero plot.
Oda has clowned on this character since the dawn of time and now gonna do it literally by making him join an actual clown.
It is just that I tossed away my biased thoughts earlier and finally embraced the fact that I adore Yamato
I agree, on one of my previous burner accounts I mentioned that I still dislike Yamato as a character and don't want her to join but then I read that Ulti+Yamato Wano bathhouse hentai and ever since I started to think about Yamato only via my dick, I was suddenly feeling fine about her joining.
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