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Can't wait for the game I hope Thor is 9 feet talm or something he's going to be a beast of a boss fight with Fenrkr
I don't think Fenrir is gonna be a boss, i think Fenrir is gonna be just like Jörmungandr, an ally that listens and talks to Atreus

Jörmungandr is gonna help us defeat Thor

and Fenrir is gonna help us defeat Odin

just like Norse Myth

the main 3 bosses of this game are gonna be:

Freya, Thor and Odin
I love the part of horse mythos where Thor outright kicks a dwarf into a funeral pyre/ship because he’s grumpy and angry. Poor guy even built it for Thor’s brother
It reminds me of how Myth Thor would have nuked the USA after Iron Man demanded he submits to it in the comics

Iron Man was lucky he was dealing with Marvel's boyscout Thor instead of the real god
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