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OG Dragonball is really good, nostalgic, simple/humble, charming, heartfelt, emotional, heartfelt etc, similar to early OP.

I think Super is the real issue despite not seeing it myself.

Toei brought over their Super team and wanted to make Wano just like it deliberately hence kamehamehaki, flying, auras etc.
early DB has a vastly different artstyle
later on the characters get that obstipation face
not sure why one piece leakers need to lie about marines especially admirals ?
You know whole kizaru got sweat by shanks coc which you can’t even see it.
Does one piece leakers hate marines in real life ?

Heck others leakers don’t troll like one piece leakers does

Gorosei Informer

early DB has a vastly different artstyle
later on the characters get that obstipation face
Lmfao so true, it started taking itself too seriously, trying too hard, being edgier etc.

I figured that word was related to constipation too, never heard of it but learn something new everyday!
It reminds me of that hilariously ridiculous parody MANY years ago on early Newgrounds of Goku trying to do a "Kamehameha Dump" but it was more like a spirit bomb coming out of his ass maybe? Lmfaooooo!

That's FAR tamer than more recent DBZ parodies I've seen too!
Zaheer and Amon were great
I wish they succeeded and fucked up Korra
You barbaric bastard :pepebusi:

Now, if legend of Korra were an ancient story, not only would they kill her, there would also be something about her dead body parts turning into vegetation and her blood birthing the first river on earth.
And someone would turn into a humanoid animal and eat the sun while devouring the liquid souls of their enemies.

Gorosei Informer

IDK if this is still controversial but TFS was bad when they took themselves too seriously in the Cell arc. Glad they ended when they did
Agreed. I felt Yugioh Abridged had similar issues and it stagnated but LittleKuriboh was having a lot of IRL issues too.

I lost interest in DBZA by the time the Cell was happening. I remember the fiasco of waiting ages for the last few episodes or the last one at least and the upset of them wanting to retire with DBZA at least too.

Used to love DBZA a lot though back in the day. Felt superior to the actual series too.


I will never forgive Oda
What do you mean? The Per Cell vs Gohan fight?
Once they got to Cell and they did real VA work outside of their abridged series, it felt like they were turning TFS more into a promo of their abilities than a comedy. Compared to the names saga the cell saga had a lot less jokes and came off as a slightly humoress retelling
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