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I finished Naruto, time for the final update

There's is not a lot to say about this final part of the manga without repeating myself a lot. This war had a lot of really hype moments (Like giant frog) but I do think it went on for a bit too long.

it felt like a cycle of

*Villians Kicks Heroes Asses*
Heroes: Oh no we're out of Chakra
Villians: Mwahaha you can't beat us
Heroes: Yes we can cause we have friends
*Heroes get Chakra Boost and Power-Ups*
Heroes: We're gonna beat you now
Villians: Nah

But there was a lot of cool shit that went on.
That resurrection move lead to some interesting interactions, my favorite was probably Sasuke and Itachi fighting that snake Kabuto together. I was also hyped AF when the 4 hokages came back. Really funny that Orochimaru got his arms back just like that.

Speaking of Orochimaru he's on my favs list now. Because he comes back again just to be all chill and stuff despite everything. That is a mood that I aspire to achieve one day.

Also it was hilarious how the Edotensei were basically giving advice to their opponents since they had their minds but couldn't control their actions.

I understand some more memes now, like the panel of saying that "obito is a cool guy!"
Like that was really funny since he killed literally thousands to tens of thousands of people lmao

Sakura got a few cool moments, especially when she punched that Kaguya bitch in the head at the end.

Yamato really jobbed for the rest of the series didn't he, literally got captured and never showed up again.

Night Guy was fucking awesome and it's a shame he didn't kill Madara

Of course, Obito vs Kakashi was rad, I watched the anime version of that which was pretty cool

Killer Bee is definitely on my favs cause he was basically Naruto's tag team partner for a bit

It's funny to think back to the time where I thought Kabuto was gonna die early during the forest of death part of the series. My how times changed. It's also funny how he got stuck in the Jutsu that turns you into a good guy as well.

Speaking of which, Naruto's talk no jutsu continues to be op as he was able to get Obito to kill himself basically twice. Once almost like how Pain did it, the other with the bone fragment. Real impressive stuff.

Naruto vs Sasuke 2, really good final fight to the series. Especially when they both ran out of Chakra and had to fight hand to hand basically.

My personal opinion, maybe some stuff in that fight with Obito and Madra could've been cut down a bit for Sasuke vs Naruto as well as the ending of the series.

Also this isn't a critique or anything but god damn did the power creep get out of whack during this final arc didn't it. To think we went from condensed fights inside a little room with the Chunin Exams to fuckin mountain busting moves and reality warping

Real wild stuff

That epilogue of the time skip stuff was cute to see, I didn't realize it jumped right into Boruto like that.

Overall I will gladly put this series in one of my favorites
I had a fantastic time with it and would be willing to do either a read through or a watch through sometime in the future
I gained a lot of respect for this series cause admittedly I slept on it a bit since I never read it

Imma take a short break until the next series I start, my current list looks like this

Jujutsu Kaisen
D. Gray Man
Attack on Titan
Moriarty the Patriot
Slam Dunk
Vinland Saga
Hell’s Paradise
Pandora Hearts
Kengan Ashura
Golden Kamuy
Hunter X Hunter
Record of Ragnarok

So feel free to add some more if I'm missing something
To make things fair I'm going to spin a wheel in order to determine what I'm gonna read next

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns @Wildfire Kaios @Danketsu
how the hell are you already done
I finished Naruto, time for the final update

There's is not a lot to say about this final part of the manga without repeating myself a lot. This war had a lot of really hype moments (Like giant frog) but I do think it went on for a bit too long.

it felt like a cycle of

*Villians Kicks Heroes Asses*
Heroes: Oh no we're out of Chakra
Villians: Mwahaha you can't beat us
Heroes: Yes we can cause we have friends
*Heroes get Chakra Boost and Power-Ups*
Heroes: We're gonna beat you now
Villians: Nah

But there was a lot of cool shit that went on.
That resurrection move lead to some interesting interactions, my favorite was probably Sasuke and Itachi fighting that snake Kabuto together. I was also hyped AF when the 4 hokages came back. Really funny that Orochimaru got his arms back just like that.

Speaking of Orochimaru he's on my favs list now. Because he comes back again just to be all chill and stuff despite everything. That is a mood that I aspire to achieve one day.

Also it was hilarious how the Edotensei were basically giving advice to their opponents since they had their minds but couldn't control their actions.

I understand some more memes now, like the panel of saying that "obito is a cool guy!"
Like that was really funny since he killed literally thousands to tens of thousands of people lmao

Sakura got a few cool moments, especially when she punched that Kaguya bitch in the head at the end.

Yamato really jobbed for the rest of the series didn't he, literally got captured and never showed up again.

Night Guy was fucking awesome and it's a shame he didn't kill Madara

Of course, Obito vs Kakashi was rad, I watched the anime version of that which was pretty cool

Killer Bee is definitely on my favs cause he was basically Naruto's tag team partner for a bit

It's funny to think back to the time where I thought Kabuto was gonna die early during the forest of death part of the series. My how times changed. It's also funny how he got stuck in the Jutsu that turns you into a good guy as well.

Speaking of which, Naruto's talk no jutsu continues to be op as he was able to get Obito to kill himself basically twice. Once almost like how Pain did it, the other with the bone fragment. Real impressive stuff.

Naruto vs Sasuke 2, really good final fight to the series. Especially when they both ran out of Chakra and had to fight hand to hand basically.

My personal opinion, maybe some stuff in that fight with Obito and Madra could've been cut down a bit for Sasuke vs Naruto as well as the ending of the series.

Also this isn't a critique or anything but god damn did the power creep get out of whack during this final arc didn't it. To think we went from condensed fights inside a little room with the Chunin Exams to fuckin mountain busting moves and reality warping

Real wild stuff

That epilogue of the time skip stuff was cute to see, I didn't realize it jumped right into Boruto like that.

Overall I will gladly put this series in one of my favorites
I had a fantastic time with it and would be willing to do either a read through or a watch through sometime in the future
I gained a lot of respect for this series cause admittedly I slept on it a bit since I never read it

Imma take a short break until the next series I start, my current list looks like this

Jujutsu Kaisen
D. Gray Man
Attack on Titan
Moriarty the Patriot
Slam Dunk
Vinland Saga
Hell’s Paradise
Pandora Hearts
Kengan Ashura
Golden Kamuy
Hunter X Hunter
Record of Ragnarok

So feel free to add some more if I'm missing something
To make things fair I'm going to spin a wheel in order to determine what I'm gonna read next

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns @Wildfire Kaios @Danketsu
I definitely reccomend DRAGONBALL!!!


I wouldn’t reccomend the son of naruto js….
how the hell are you already done
I've always been a fast reader
I definitely reccomend DRAGONBALL!!!


I wouldn’t reccomend the son of naruto js….
Honestly, the thought didn't cross my mind till now
I'll add it to the list alongside What Light and Pero recommended
I've always been a fast reader

Honestly, the thought didn't cross my mind till now
I'll add it to the list alongside What Light and Pero recommended

This last recommendation is optional dare i say…’s fairy tail
Post automatically merged:

Look fairy tail is awesome character wise

but story wise….i mean big bad shows up beats them down, then power of friendship prevails! But still a good read/watch i suppose
Fellas I have spun the wheel and the next series I will read/watch is here

The next series will be Record of Ragnarok!

I am a big fan of combat manga/anime so I'm definitely looking forward to this one. Especially since the idea of Gods/Famous Warriors battling is an idea that I'm very fond of. I hope they have a cool Ashura fighter with multiple arms, that'd be pretty hype.

My experience with this series is basically nothing, all I've ever really seen was that really funny clip in the anime of the slide show fight between an Old Man and a blonde guy (MC?)

So I will probably read the manga over watching the anime.

Since this series has sadly not finished yet I will give my thoughts up to the current chapter. But be warned that I probably will not update on it again until it ends, if I keep up with it.

I hope you fellas enjoy my thoughts on the series when I read it

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns @Wildfire Kaios @Danketsu @Lhululu @Mr. Reloaded

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Fellas I have spun the wheel and the next series I will read/watch is here

The next series will be Record of Ragnarok!

I am a big fan of combat manga/anime so I'm definitely looking forward to this one. Especially since the idea of Gods/Famous Warriors battling is an idea that I'm very fond of. I hope they have a cool Ashura fighter with multiple arms, that'd be pretty hype.

My experience with this series is basically nothing, all I've ever really seen was that really funny clip in the anime of the slide show fight between an Old Man and a blonde guy (MC?)

So I will probably read the manga over watching the anime.

Since this series has sadly not finished yet I will give my thoughts up to the current chapter. But be warned that I probably will not update on it again until it ends, if I keep up with it.

I hope you fellas enjoy my thoughts on the series when I read it

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns @Wildfire Kaios @Danketsu @Lhululu @Mr. Reloaded
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