Technically it was CP0 and they don't report to Marines, who issue the bounties. This is why we end up with Captain Trio sharing the bounties.

I don't think rooftop events will have any bearings on anything.
Very doubtful that CP0 would not report a major event like this in details to the Marines.. lt would not be to their advantage to do so and there are no secrets to be had there.. Captain trio is just a cover up to not give Luffy his full credit..

Maybe they won't but they should it's no small feat to have 5 supernovas fight against 2 Yonkos on the rooftop for an extended period of time..
Not necessarily. Zoro's bounty on DR was 320mil which didn't exceed Luffy's prior bounty of 400mil at the time. Ordinarily I'd be inclined to agree with you on the 1.5+ ting but seeing how low Luffy's bounty is 1.5bil+ is pretty optimistic. Best case scenario it's 1.4bil~-ish and worst case scenario it's 1.2bil imo.
Yeah,i thought Luffy would get a solid 4 billion bounty.
Zoro's bounty is not supposed to surpass Luffy's immediate prior bounty.
It's supposed to surpass certain benchmarks.
The first bounty.
The first 100M.
The first multiple hundred. (300M).
And now the first 1B (1.5B).

It's not about taking the exactly same steps as Luffy did.
That benchmark would be the Billion in this case..