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It wouldnt make sense for Zoro and Sanji to have bounties under 1 billion.
They have defeated commanders worth well above 1 billion and now they are the main fighters of a Yonkou crew.
And these bounties could be the last in the series
It wouldnt make sense for Zoro and Sanji to have bounties under 1 billion.
They have defeated commanders worth well above 1 billion and now they are the main fighters of a Yonkou crew.
And these bounties could be the last in the series
They still have to get another poneglyph and incident, plus luffys last 5.56 bil bounty which will 100% happen

Gol D. Roger

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Yep and he never believed Mihawk was strong. Man said King would high diff him. He got bodied and is Coping like usual. Typical behavior from CRYING 6 leader
No, he knows Mihawk is strong. He simply didn't expect Mihawk to have a bounty of over 3 billion, so he set the bar so high hoping Mihawk will never get a bounty that high so he can call him a disappointment when his bounty is eventually released.

You deny?

I predicted 3 billion

But I didn't see it coming due to Cross Guild + Buggy boosting it :gokulaugh:
You didn't predict anything. You were just hoping to call Mihawk weak because you thought he wouldn't get a bounty over 3 billion lmao.
''Anything lower than 3 billion would be a huge disappointment.'' - Erkan the great Zolo fan Destroyer

And it was because Cross Guild and Buggy made that 3 billion :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

These Cross Guild guys putting bounties on Marines's head, you think that has nothing to do with bounty increase? :steef:
shut up , mihawk's bounty>buggy. thanks to mihawk , mihawk made yonko that clown.
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Cross Guild + Buggy boosted Mihawk's bounty to only 3 billion :gokulaugh:

Shanks still has 4 billion :steef:

Another level Shanks >>> Mihawk
1. Buggys bounty is stil lower than mihawks which means he wasnt the one that boosted it.

2. Shanks has a crew , allies, other members with high bounties on his crew, was affiliated with the formee pirates king crew and owns territory.

Mihawk simply exists has no territory no allies no crew had his bounty frozen until now and almosts has a bounty on the same level of shanks??????????
1. Buggys bounty is stil lower than mihawks which means he wasnt the one that boosted it.

2. Shanks has a crew , allies, other members with high bounties on his crew, was affiliated with the formee pirates king crew and owns territory.

Mihawk simply exists has no territory no allies no crew had his bounty frozen until now and almosts has a bounty on the same level of shanks??????????
Buggy is the Yonko :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh: Mihawk's alliance boosted his bounty as well as putting bounties on Marines head :kuzanshut:
No, he knows Mihawk is strong. He simply didn't expect Mihawk to have a bounty of over 3 billion, so he set the bar so high hoping Mihawk will never get a bounty that high so he can call him a disappointment when his bounty is eventually released.

You didn't predict anything. You were just hoping to call Mihawk weak because you thought he wouldn't get a bounty over 3 billion lmao.
Ofcourse over the years he definitely realized Mihawk is strong especially after Zoro got ACoC. He knows there is no way he can backtrack with all the years of talking shit. So he going to double down.
Its pretty simple. If Shanks left the red hair pirates, gave away all his territory, and cut all his political ties and then joined cross guild on his own how high do people think his bounty would be?
Its pretty simple. If Shanks left the red hair pirates, gave away all his territory, and cut all his political ties and then joined cross guild on his own how high do people think his bounty would be?
Lol it would be the same if not less. Since he would no longer have the things that gave him a big bounty in the first place. Ofcourse it woild still be high. But mihawk apparently didnt even need those things to make him that high plus his was frozen

''Mihawk should be 3 billion minimum if he is actually around Shanks' level. ''

Any of you predicted this other than me? :gokulaugh:
Wait, so you shit on him entire time, pretend he's trash compared to Shanks, treat him like fodder.

Then say "He'd need 3b bounty if he's actually around Shanks LMAO"

And then, when it happens (he gets more), you pretend that you predicted it?

No, sir, you thought otherwise and you listed out a scenario you thought was impossible, and then that scenario actually happened lol
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