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What if Teach has respect for Koby since his moment in Marineford? While Koby is def losing he gives him some Jaya arc motivation, offers him a devil fruit ability he stole by killing someone :christindeed:
That's the point. Even if this is true. It's a w since a yonko respects his power motivation etc. But koby shouldn't get a fruit. He shouldn't be anyone deemed special in bb eyes (not yet) because if he is it means bb will give him a busted fruit or that koby is genetically specially. Which I personally would not like

Deleted member 83

Chapter 1059 Captain Koby’s Case
-New Pacifista model is call Seraphim, they are (big)children with white hair, brown skin and black wings
-Blackbeard attacked Amazon Lily amidst the Marine Invasion, he wants Hancock’s power. His new bounty is 3.996 billion
-Hancock turned most of the invaders(including Devon and Vasco) into stone. Her new bounty is 1.659 billion
-Rayleigh halted the conflict
-Koby is abducted by Blackbeard pirates
[SPOILER 1059] Not confirmed@shnkqs on twitter spoilers

1. King's flashback is relevant in this chapter
2. SSG are strong, but not as strong as a Yonko
3. Blackbeard and his crew appear in the chapter
4. Coby in the trash (kidnapped)
5. Marco is on a ship (not the Sunny)
6. The Rocky Port incident is mentioned
7. Shanks' crew is in the chapter
8. Hancock lost his Devil Fruit powers
9. Blackbeard managed to "suck" some SSGs
10. Boa Hancock's 1.6 billion bounty
11. Teach rewards 3.99 billion (in short, less than four)
12. Hancock froze Teach's crew, they made a deal and were unfrozen.
13. Teach was about to kill Hancock but was saved by Raylegh

I don't know the reliability of this acc, but he's got it right in the past
Screenrant were right about something for once
"Boa Hancock has the ability to turn any person she charms into stone. Blackbeard is not immune to the beauty of women, as he’s been seen with a small harem of his own.
Hancock can stop Blackbeard quickly if she uses her devil fruit to petrify him. Teach would definitely find her attractive and react in some instinctual way, causing him to be blasted by her ability."
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