This might be a hot take, but I think Vegapunk is like super obviously top 1 in the verse right now.
Like every major scientist we’ve seen uses their tech to fight.

Judge wears a raid suit.
Queen has like a million cybernetic enchancements
Caesar uses his knowledge of gasses in conjunction with his fruit.

Vegapunk is obviously either gonna be a cyborg himself or have something like a mech suit.

And he’ll literally be capable of like dog walking any current top tier.
Like every major scientist we’ve seen uses their tech to fight.

Judge wears a raid suit.
Queen has like a million cybernetic enchancements
Caesar uses his knowledge of gasses in conjunction with his fruit.

Vegapunk is obviously either gonna be a cyborg himself or have something like a mech suit.

And he’ll literally be capable of like dog walking any current top tier.
Create a "Seraphim" with three devil fruits, each part of the cyborg using one df each and acting independetly, surpassing Teach