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(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
i think after the age of piracy will be the age of adventurers. as i think with the one piece found and the secrets of the world reveled...there isnt a need for pirates anymore. now anyone can take to the sea, free
Gen 1 is the most bland gen with a poor excuse for a story
Gen 1 has the only protagonist that actually did his job and got all pokemon in his region.
The villain of Gen 1 is still considered the most competent among all of them and was able to lead the boss of every group when they met in a alternative reality (USUM).
The rival in Gen 1 is the backbone that every rival wants to be and never comes even close.
Red is still considered the best legendary trainer that every protag hopes to be and never will. Undefeated in lore (the only confirmed battle in lore was against Gold and the result is unknow). Every other appearance he is considered one of the ultimate trainers. The only char with a team that is slightly stronger is the champion Cynthia in a rematch.
Gen 1 is still considered the baseline for pokemon. Charizard, Venusar and Blastoise are the iconic starters. The new games got to a point that they have to give them as alternative starters in X/Y because the starters created are so shit. People are more likely to know a gen 1 pokemon than from other generations.
Gen 1 will always be the best.
EDIT: And gen 1 has Nidoking. The best Kaiju pokemon.
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