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Talent is something you make bloom.
You think I can talk about the Brazilian favelas, the casual murders in the streets because I read a couple of articles?
Be hones with yourself there for a sec

Being passionate about something does not mean you know what it's like to live in the place you are passionate about.
reading a couple of articles is not really "studying", is it?
Gotta go deeper.


i am a japan enjoyer

Europpean and Muslim from generations past?go bullshit somewhere else,are you dagestani or something?Some people don't consider them europpeans,just saying...I'm not projecting shit,you are.I can't metion muslim and you go ape mad every fucking thread.Chill out.I actually have civillized conversations with @BleakAsh who is also a muslim.STFU
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The japanese need to have more kids...
I'm dying they both got banned at the same time
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