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Smoker is the Sanji of the Marines, both get abused and downplayed, forced to job to hype their opponents up now. Prepare for the worst just to be safe, as Oda most likely will sacrifice Smoker to Lucci.

Unless the reason he's kept Smoker offscreen and his status unknown is for a huge powerup potentially somehow, maybe a even a promotion or joining Sword but honestly, I wouldn't get you hopes up given how Oda has been treating Smoker for a very long time now.

Punk Hazard was the definining moment for him and Sanji funnily enough, one that would "foreshadow" their fates in the series later on. Its funny how Smoker even fought Sanji briefly in Stampede to think of it now lol.

Honestly, Smoker should just be part of Sword now too, he would fit there too since how Oda is handling Koby and Drake too lmao, sigh...

It is really weird that Oda hiding Smoker this whole time but I'm not getting my hopes up either, even if he does get a powerup from Vegapunk or w/e, Oda will wank Lucci over him if they fight too. Use him to hype up Luccis new potential powerup/strength gain or w/e.

What possible promotion is there over heading G-5?

Gorosei Informer

What possible promotion is there over heading G-5?
To Sword if that counts. Aside from that idk, I've given up on him becoming an Admiral unless it happens post EOS after a timeskip or something.

Its pretty nice that he's a Vice Admiral now at least, I do tend to forget that myself lol. He could also just be like Garp and stay a VA but we'll see.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough a girlfriend sucks
This is my experience with Rent a Girlfriend:

1. Hear a streamer I like talk about he's watching it and hates it. I'm like, hey, I'll hate watch it, too, so I know what he's talking about.

2. I literally could not watch this anime unless I was wasted. There were multiple times I said to myself, "I'm not drunk enough to be able to deal with this shit, yet."

3. Finish the anime, realize why dropping shitty anime is a good idea in the first place.

4. Start speed-reading the Manga just to watch the comment section on r/manga rip the series apart for being total shit.

You can read these chapters in literally 2 minutes, the dialogue is worthless and nothing happens that's meaningful. The community's HATRED of Rent a Girlfriend is what makes it worthwhile. Watching people hate the shit out of this series is so fucking funny to me.

The only character that isn't trash got written out of the Manga to have her own spinoff Manga, it's fucking hilarious.


I disagree; I think they’re just the next logical steps. We know science has always been a major part of One Piece since the introduction of Pluton. But good science is built on the backs of good characters. Vegapunk just isn’t.
Pluton could have been an exception as it's an ancient weapon and Nobody making that type of thing ever again.
Science was never a major part of one piece even without it shows could have easily sailed smooth. Roger crew never had anything to do with techy stuffs to became the pirate king crew.
Its pirates we are talking about And marines, none of them ever had buisness being this ahead in terms of science.
Best they could have shown was a submarine. A bigass submarine not a small one like Law crew.
Pacifistas? Seraphims are ruining the show. I prefer the real deal like A real lunarian or a Half Cyborg half Human (Franky and Kuma).

Completely new genetics modification and cloning has no buisness on sea.
To Sword if that counts. Aside from that idk, I've given up on him becoming an Admiral unless it happens post EOS after a timeskip or something.

Its pretty nice that he's a Vice Admiral now at least, I do tend to forget that myself lol. He could also just be like Garp and stay a VA but we'll see.
I mean right now he's in the most feared NW Marine branch and he commands 6 warships and is on the outside of HQ; it'd have to be big for him to leave that level of power and autonomy.
Pluton could have been an exception as it's an ancient weapon and Nobody making that type of thing ever again.
Science was never a major part of one piece even without it shows could have easily sailed smooth. Roger crew never had anything to do with techy stuffs to became the pirate king crew.
Its pirates we are talking about And marines, none of them ever had buisness being this ahead in terms of science.
Best they could have shown was a submarine. A bigass submarine not a small one like Law crew.
Pacifistas? Seraphims are ruining the show. I prefer the real deal like A real lunarian or a Half Cyborg half Human (Franky and Kuma).

Completely new genetics modification and cloning has no buisness on sea.
Science was always a major part of one piece. It was introduced even before haki via Kuma afterall.

I don’t get why you hate the seraphim? They’re just upgraded lunarians and have thematic roles in the story since they’re created to serve gods.
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