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Formerly Seth

Funny thing is. How the fuck he managed to sexually assault two HS girls during fucking pandemic?
Especially in Japan where rules about leaving home are strict af.
I wonder if this is not the typical case where two girls were looking for fun but the opposite site happened to be too horny or some shit.
I strongly disagree with you. I don’t think we should recognize a pedophile for his work, he doesn’t deserve it.
He shouldn't get a single penny for his work and thrown in jail or somewhere, I don't care. But the young artist who worked so hard for this manga should get the recognition she deserved. Just strike off the authors' name from all the future volumes printed.
I know that. I want to know if the manga was good.
Ok. I thought you believed it got canceled because it wasn’t popular. Personally I’ve never read it.

Funny thing is. How the fuck he managed to sexually assault two HS girls during fucking pandemic?
Especially in Japan where rules about leaving home are strict af.
I wonder if this is not the typical case where two girls were looking for fun but the opposite site happened to be too horny or some shit.
No, that’s not it. He just randomly assaulted two girls that were walking on the street. He admitted the victims’ version was the truth.

MD Zolo

He shouldn't get a single penny for his work and thrown in jail or somewhere, I don't care. But the young artist who worked so hard for this manga should get the recognition she deserved. Just strike off the authors' name from all the future volumes printed.
He should be punished for the crime he committed, but why shouldn't he get money for his work? That's not how it works.

As for the Artist, I hope she can build her own career one day. If Oda managed to do it, she can do it too.


"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
It got canceled because the writer sexually assaulted two junior high school girls.
He should be punished for the crime he committed, but why shouldn't he get money for his work? That's not how it works.
Not gonna have much use for money when your in a jail cell. May aswell give that money to Charity.

MD Zolo

Not gonna have much use for money when your in a jail cell. May aswell give that money to Charity.
What about his family? What if he wants to give them to his family? The point is, he should be punished. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be paid for his work. People can choose to reject his work so that he doesn't earn any money, but saying that he shouldn't be paid is a very bad precedent.


"It is warm within the mansions of Hel"
Ok. I thought you believed it got canceled because it wasn’t popular. Personally I’ve never read it.

No, that’s not it. He just randomly assaulted two girls that were walking on the street. He admitted the victims’ version was the truth.
He fucked up and he deserve that. End of story. No mercy. It's his own fault that he throw away everything with such a pedo shit.
I was talking about Jump even removing the earlier the volumes from its website. No future volumes is fine but they shouldn't remove the old volumes. That was what I meant when I said 'differentiating between the art and the artist'.
I think they made the right choice, appreciating a pedophile’s work is morally disturbing and disrespectful towards the victims. The innocent artist got full support from Shueisha which promised to give her other projects to work on.
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