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Formerly Seth

The circumstances of his capture are still to be cleared
They are clear. No Calamity/Tobi Roppo participated in his capture. He was basically captured by fodders.

I know I know cuffs blah blah.

Luffy with cuffs was toying with fodders.
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The blind man needed help from GREEN BULL to cross the street (revolutionaries), Kaido well, is doing 1v9.
Sheaths> Revolutionaries.You have your answer.
Using basic math, there were 4 enemies, in this case two people for each, lol, 2 for the GREEN BULL and two for the blind, the blind man wasn’t able to handle 2 people very well, he was bandaged like shit, in a mere 1x2? that's almost a 1x1 for Kaido, who is doing 1v9.:suresure::suresure::doffytroll::doffytroll:,

Fortunately, ODA hid GREEN BULL after the fight, "He came out almost dead after doing a 1x2". A mere 1x2. :doffytroll::doffytroll::doffytroll:
did u just say the 9 scabbards > dragon and sabo? :whitepress:
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