
Peerless In History
Yeah it is ignoring, it was stated that Big Mom marries off children and it was stated that the elder brothers and sisters have children of their own so this will include Katakuri. Manga>Your Headcanon. @playa4321 @Jo_Ndule @Buusatan94 @Rosella.Fiamingo Can you believe some of these people, it's almost like trying to explain to some little kids who don't want to hear the truth.:seriously:
I've learned that people who really dislike Big Mom will hate everything about her, including her children. They will ignore facts in favor of their headcanon and will willfully be intellectually dishonest even to the point of hilarity. To me, it's not even about Katakuri or any of her children It's just an extension of Big Mom Hate.


Back when spoilers used to drop of 5chan first I used to be one of the top informers here :kata:
He got point tho provider's be bias they got favorite characters too LOL
Hmmm...maybe it's just cause I don't give a shit about Z v S or wank wars in general, but I didn't notice bias from the provider. Most of the time we get some text and a pic or two from the same provider regardless of content. I think people let the wankdoms live rent free in their noggins and think everyone is out to get their favorite wank.


spoilers for chapter 997

queen calls kaidou: Bruh you won't believe it..

kaidou: what? I'm in the middle of something here..

Queen: One of the Vinsmokes is here.

Kaidou: shut the front door!

Queen: I know right?

Kaidou: No really, shut it, the whole nation will attacks us

kaidou: move scabbards, no time for small fry, germa is coming.

*you can hear the power rangers soundtrack *

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