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- Chapter 997: "Homura (Fireworks)".
- Sanji is caught by Black Maria.
- Several Shinuchi go to the stairs of the 4th floor, but Luffy climbs a path made by samurai.
- Zoro is enraged when he sees Kiku's severed arm fall from the sky.
- Zoro defeats Apoo and gets the antidote.
- Chopper discovers the structure of Queen's virus and says that he will make an antidote for everyone.
- Queen is going to attack Chopper but Zoro stops him enraged.
- There is an earthquake, they don't know where it comes from (Brook mistakes it for Zoro's Ambition).
- Marco asks Zoro and Robin if he can help.
- Yamato says something about a dragon flame that makes the island rumble.
- Kaidou envelops the island in a cloud and intends to take Onigashima to the Capital of Flowers.

confirmed by Redon in, open the spoilers thread.. @AL sama
yo queen just attacked zoro’s lil bro chopper and marco who can fly just offered help to zoro

you can see where this is going
Zoro just one shot Apoo?????
Dude that is insane, but I think Apoo is just cut off and not full defeated, even then a amazing feat by Zoro.
Second Supernova who get rekt by Zoro and now Queen vs Zoro starts?!!!

And no doubt anymore, I hope everyone start to think how op Kaido is right now, men that is insane!!
- Kaidou envelops the island in a cloud and intends to take Onigashima to the Capital of Flowers.

confirmed by Redon in, open the spoilers thread.. @AL sama
So where are those who prediceted: 'the loss of Kaido has to take place in the flower capital for the people to witness the defeat of Kaido - therefore the raid will fail' :choppawhat:
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