@SDfear i hope we will have good information regarding this week spoilers.
Even if we dont have the spoilers, so we dont have to wait the spoilers so desperate
This week is kinda weird
Some said spoiler will be early because of new release date
But i'm not 100% sure about that but we could get spoiler later this week around Friday
Lets all wait and see


Chapter 1001 "New generation "
-SNs fight emperors
-Something happens in the chapter

... countless excahnge between users about how SNs are doing great

Next day
- kidd slices linlin
- luffy disappears to the moon

In reality, Kidd didn't cut linlin and luffy just jumped a bit high
That's what mangaplus said but there is some report that chapter will release in Japan on 15.Jan
Korean even said on 11 Jan LOL
It comes out on 18 January in Japan
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:kayneshrug:chapter 1000 was leaked 13 days earlier than the official one

1001 might also be leaked 13-16 days earlier
The first chapter of the year in January always gets early leaks.