
If you are caught downloading illegal manga users will face up to two years in prison and fined up to two million yen, which is around $18k USD. The new law also bans establishment and operation of leech sites, pasting hyperlinks of illegal websites on an anonymous message board, or providing “leech apps” for similar purposes. Those found to be operating a leech website will face penalties of up to five years in jail or a maximum fine of 5 million yen, or both.

Mr 106.101 right now
The new law also bans establishment and operation of leech sites, pasting hyperlinks of illegal websites on an anonymous message board, or providing “leech apps” for similar purposes. Those found to be operating a leech website will face penalties of up to five years in jail or a maximum fine of 5
For some reason I have a feeling that the punishment for Sexual harassment in Japan is less than this