Incredible. In my 50 years of studying these specimens I have never once seen such extraordinary behavior.
This creature seems to want something so bizarre, so unthinkable, yet so simple.
Breakfast for dinner.
It's been in front of our faces this entire, but we were blind to it. Perhaps we were too prideful to take notice. But no matter. At last I truly see the beauty and wonder that can never leave my mind again.
If someone finds this note, then it means I, having found true enlightenment, have left this mortal plane. But not before having a final meal.
Belgian waffles, topped with maple syrup, with a side of eggs and bacon and a piping hot cup of coffee. All served at 6:00pm.
Incredible. In my 50 years of studying these specimens I have never once seen such extraordinary behavior.
This creature seems to want something so bizarre, so unthinkable, yet so simple.
Breakfast for dinner.
It's been in front of our faces this entire, but we were blind to it. Perhaps we were too prideful to take notice. But no matter. At last I truly see the beauty and wonder that can never leave my mind again.
If someone finds this note, then it means I, having found true enlightenment, have left this mortal plane. But not before having a final meal.
Belgian waffles, topped with maple syrup, with a side of eggs and bacon and a piping hot cup of coffee. All served at 6:00pm.
Who tf has dinner at 6 pm?