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Judge is the definition of human. He is a much better character than many think
If he’s the definition of a human being then the whole world would turn into hell.
Yes there are people like him, people who are arrogant, pathetic, power hungry, egoistic, have no morals, play with the nature/genes of people, toss away their son because he doesn’t share his views etc.
If that’s human for you then wtf bro I wouldn’t call someone human who has no humanity
Even after Sanji rescued him, he insulted his son. Judge is scum in my eyes.
Zeff is a real human being
judge and sanji are supposed to be the 2 sides of the human coin. judge represents the power hungry, war drifen human who basically despises his own humanity. He basically has an human infirority complex which he makes up for by shedding his emotions and his human side with science to cover his human ''weakness''. it is all very human.... He is why humanity has been plagued with war since we learned to walk upright and why we have nukes. Sanji is the other side of that, kindness, the unselfish and illogical need to put others above his own needs, seeing and finding strength with emotions and bonds instead of looking at them as a tell of weakness. etcetc.
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