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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
He has seen enough. Seeing Oden getting boiled while all of them sit on top of him, was painful enough for them. They are already crying as they know they cannot do anything, you can feel their helplessness. If all of the scabbards die except Kinemon, then I think Kinemon will feel like a walking corpse. Could not protect his master and failed to die along with his friends.
That’s kinda why I want him to survive...I think the additional guilt over continuing to live might make him question his value to the Kozuki family, which will give Momo the chance to remind him of all they fought for and sacrificed, serving the dual purpose of absolving Kin and also marking Momo’s own personal growth. It’s a little more nuanced than Oda seems to go these days, just feels like something worth considering.
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