Odass woke up feeling a lil horny today 🥵🥵
- Act 3 still not ending 🥶🥶
- Can’t write for his life 😂😂
- Uses flashbacks to explain power ups (asspulls) 💯💯
- No bitches 😱😱
- Nothing happened since chapter 989 🤡🤡
Odass is not a real mangaka in my book
- Act 3 still not ending 🥶🥶
- Can’t write for his life 😂😂
- Uses flashbacks to explain power ups (asspulls) 💯💯
- No bitches 😱😱
- Nothing happened since chapter 989 🤡🤡
Odass is not a real mangaka in my book
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I don't need words. You will realize what I mean.