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Above you can see Zoro fans again lacking a lot on good reading "skills", and showing that level of functional illiteracy :luffylaugh:
:luffylaugh::kaidowhat: Yu cannot read and tell others they cannot read?
not Sanji who could handle his own issues with his father and Luffy bailed him out
Sanji cannot handle his own issue.
- True. Sanji tell Big Mom make deal, Big Mom betray both Jude and the deal.
Luffy Bail him out
- True Sanji try kill Lufy, stupid Luffy stay and save him

What he say wrong? :luffylaugh::choppawhat:
Sanji cannot handle his own issue.
- True. Sanji tell Big Mom make deal, Big Mom betray both Jude and the deal.
Luffy Bail him out
- True Sanji try kill Lufy, stupid Luffy stay and save him
Oh man, now you got me, i can't even argue :seriously:

What a top notch analysis of the facts :hohoho:

You must be that kind of Zoro fan who says "Enma isn't a Power Up"

:gokulaugh: :vistalaugh:
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