Filler Chopper/Usopp vs Meme

Nami took an L grouped by some clown ass bitches
Robin looks lethal aff
Robin and Jinbei moving like Villains

Love to see it
Zoro swagger

They thought he a Captain
Ulti annoying as usual

Damn Yamato really fucked Ulti up
Luffy looks fucking pathetic.... First only doing jaw damage to Page One, pressed down by Ulti helpless, then saved by Yamato, and now got flicked away by Yamato....
Yamato CoA/CoO on point, and recent chapters AdCoC as well. They really pushing Yamato > Luffy on both mediums...

This arc is tuff to be a Luffy fan man, his performance has been nothing short of disappointing and his character isn't what it is usually. But, his leadership and the respect/followers/allies he gains remains, so can't be too mad.
6/10 episode for the Luffy slander
Otherwise 8/10
Anime Yamatrash > Manga Yamatrash