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@nRandle @Doggo @Vinsmoke D. Grandmaster Zoro if any one of you guys answer these questions correctly, you will become my third Heavenly King of the SDF.

Question 1: Does Sanji accept Ivankov's challenge? Yes or No.

Question 2: Can Sanji kill? Yes or No.
1 He does. Ivankov and all the Okamas vs Sanji iirc
2: He can. He killed that vulture and that cat-thing with knives back in alabasta already :milaugh:


I am too dumb and too German to understand jokes.
I am always very serious. When and I mean, IF I make a joke I always make sure to inform everyone involved so I can be sure there are no misunderstandings whatsoever, besides, joking in the wrong place or time can be highly offensive and may lead to an unpleasant emotional state in the recipient or recipients of said joke. I hope my explanation was of sufficient precision and that, albeit my English vocabulary is very limited and far from as versatile as that of, let's say, KiriNigiri or Cinera, there are no misunderstandings left on your side that may decrease the quality of your personal life and emotional state.
Thank you for bearing with me! If I, just in case, might have failed to fulfill your expectations on what an accurate explanation is supposed to look like, I am very willing to offer paying the ultimate price in the form of ritualized self-execution or, as it might also been known, Sudoku, while generally associated with the Nipponense cultural heritage, may be appropriate for any individual regardless of their cultural association without taking the shape of an act of cultural appropriation.
I am too dumb and too German to understand jokes.
I am always very serious. When and I mean, IF I make a joke I always make sure to inform everyone involved so I can be sure there are no misunderstandings whatsoever, besides, joking in the wrong place or time can be highly offensive and may lead to an unpleasant emotional state in the recipient or recipients of said joke. I hope my explanation was of sufficient precision and that, albeit my English vocabulary is very limited and far from as versatile as that of, let's say, KiriNigiri or Cinera, there are no misunderstandings left on your side that may decrease the quality of your personal life and emotional state.
Thank you for bearing with me! If I, just in case, might have failed to fulfill your expectations on what an accurate explanation is supposed to look like, I am very willing to offer paying the ultimate price in the form of ritualized self-execution or, as it might also been known, Sudoku, while generally associated with the Nipponense cultural heritage, may be appropriate for any individual regardless of their cultural association without taking the shape of an act of cultural appropriation.
In a 1v1 always bet on the Grandgrandmaster Drakule Mihawk :mihugh:

The bewildering Grandgrandmaster's deniers will soon bite the dust :cheers:

There's funnily a chance Zoro will first take on opponents the caliber of Kizaru, EoS Shiryu, Ghandi.
And then the Grandmaster will undergo the ultimate showdown against Drakule Grandgrandmaster Mihawk
Realistically after Wano there is only one more red stone. So why is Zoro so far away from WSS when Luffy is 10-30 days away in manga time from reaching Laughtale.

I would bet on the Grandmaster to be able to push the Grandgrandmaster Drakule to about mid to high difficulty at the present stage. Perhaps he is enough mature for the latter at long last though am not that deeply confident.

Where do you rank the bewildering Grandgrandmaster Mihawk?
Yes, he CAN. He's not bruce wayne.

Yes, but it's One Piece so whatever
1 He does. Ivankov and all the Okamas vs Sanji iirc
2: He can. He killed that vulture and that cat-thing with knives back in alabasta already :milaugh:
Damn, all three of you guessed the answers correct. Now I don't know who to put as the 3rd Heavenly King.:hope:

For Q1 answer:

Yes, Sanji did accepted Ivankov's challenge.

For Q2 answer:

Sanji said this back in Baratie.

He was confident enough to say this to Gin who got fed by Sanji.
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