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Lmao I only said two posts this past month about Sanji. And Everytime I see you, you can’t take Zoro’s cock out of your mouth even if ur life depended on it :kobeha:
Who the fuck is Zoro? You mean the swordsman carried by a sword that gives him extra power and he still has yet to tame it?

You have 5+ posts back to back talking about sanji legit. You sure you aren’t lowkey a Sanji fan?
I'm going to wait and see the excuses the Yankers are going to make this time around.

Last time "but but Law was running away from Fujitora". It wasn't a pure 1 v. 1. Meanwhile Law in Wano

But, but, Luffy was punched by Bellamy. Oh my god!!! Meanwhile Kid...

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