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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Why are Admiral fans are such pussies

Shout out to Zoro fans, who didn't let ZKK go until the very end
I'm still here, waiting for ZKK. I think it will be Chapter 1061. I can't fucking believe Act 3 is still going.

ZKK will only die when Wano is left behind, or Kaido is confirmed killed. Until then, I'll be munching on Delusion Flakes, the Chuuni-Cereal made for bad theorists.
So like I was saying, no one with average intelligence or higher is still reading One Piece for the story.
There's nothing left alive for the story since we figured out the macro pattern of warrior of liberation vs oppressive rulership. It was all about the adventure, which was ironically killed at the same time the story became predictable.
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