Aokiji "Tell Sakazuki to dispatch the Admirals after Doffy"
Shanal "cRoC pOrTraYal iS hIghER thAn dOFlaMingO"
You downplayed the Warlords because you can't fucking read, but I don't blame you. 90% of OP fanbase is braindead.
Yeah, well, Crocodile is still worth significantly more than the 5th Yonko, who's portrayal and fame in the world shits on Doflamingo.
Law + Luffy combined got only 1b together for defeating Doffy. Btw, what would Akainu dispatch after Doffy if not an Admiral? Vice Admirals gonna beat Doflamingo?
The funny thing is all you Doffytards fail to acknowledge a simple fact that asspull PUs and powercreep exists. The difference between MF Croc and Alabasta Croc is astronomical, and you can't deny it. Likewise, the difference between current Croc and MF Croc is astronomical after 2 years timegap.
It's okay, though, no need to feel bad. It never made Doffy any weaker, just Croc stronger.