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But not now. Probably in the epilogue or so
I actually have to disagree. Usually I would fully agree but the fact that oda had coby go through all of this random stuff makes it clear he is going to bs cobys power using fruits. Which I do not like.

Think of it. If oda wanted eos or epilogue coby to be strong he would have simply had coby loss to boa. However oda set it up in a way in which we still have zero clue of cobys full combat skills while at the same time having a yonko crew capture him that specializes in finding op devil fruits. That's hella weird but makes it obvious which direction oda is going in
So liking Luffy means you have to want him to low diff everyone in the verse?
What's wrong with wanting him to struggle, or wanting a store with stakes.
Nobody said that. Of course he can struggle or even almost lose. The story would be lame if there wasn’t any realism to begin with.

But there are people who genuinely want to see him lose completely, or even die (???) to fit their agendas.

It’s insane :strawhatock:
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