Current Events The Balance of Power is important because Gorosei/CDs don’t like to get involved in human affairs

One of the big complaints about Imu, the Gorosei, and Holy Knights being super strong is that it makes the BoP meaningless since the WG could easily wipe out the Yonko if they wanted to. While this is true, the reason why it’s really important to the WG that the Marines and Warlords balance out the Yonko is that the CDs view themselves as actual gods. It would be beneath them to get involved in mere human affairs, so the Marines and Warlords being sufficiently strong is important for making sure that the CDs don’t have to get themselves involved. The CDs would only involve themselves if the matter directly involves them (such as the RA trying to starve out Mariejois) or if it’s an existential threat to the WG
Balance of Power is a construct to maintain current social structures. Any changes to balance of three powers (even just a world hearing that a few fodder Warlords were beaten) leads to world going through drastic changes with unforseen consequences.

Celestial Dragons are too inbreed to properly understand it and they have no reason to care about it because they only enjoy their hedonistic lifestyles.

Gorosei, on the other hand, are manipulating outside events as much as they can, so that the balance of power does not change. They have shown no interest in wiping out Yonko. In fact, we have clearly seen them panic at the fall of Kaido and Big Mom, treating it as a horrible event as it will completely change the state of the world.
Also, Whitebeard's loss at Marineford was explicitly stated to be the cause of current changes that led tl the fall of Kaido and Big Mom, which led to Luffy and Blackbeard becoming more powerful (which Imu expected, as Luffy and Blackbeard were only 2 pirates he seemed to have targetted)
That clown Imu and Celestials couldn't even kill Doflamingo and they had to make him Warlord in the end :milaugh:

''Rat'' Doflamingo was able to bend the world government to his will according to Lakainu.

Pure cope.
WG and Marines simply are not that strong.
CDs needed Marines against a single crew on God Valley.

If CDs could crush any resistance, they would.
They can not.