Speculations The Blackbeard Vs Strawhat match ups are easy.

York role's in the arc clearly isn't done, she was basically left alone in the lab for a reason. Someone is going to pick her up, either the BBP (Laffite?) or WG, but Saturn basically gave up on Egghead so I lean toward BBP.
Yeah once Saturn called a buster call it seems like he’s accepted York as collateral. But with the BBP here they’ll probably take her.
Blackbeard is likely after Akainu at this point. He is essentially going to be Prime Whitebeard level.

So then which of BB's commanders can be Prime Rayleigh level?

Sanji vs Kuzan an arc after Akainu is completely possible.
Shiryu I still doubt. I feel like Oda will have Zoro vs Mihawk at this moment instead.
I'm still pretty confident with my own post from last year about SHP vs BBP match-up.

Here is my post:

Actually want to make a thread about this but I'm sure there should be a lot of thread with similar topic, so no need to make new thread for the sake of neatness.
Decided to browse the threads and found this thread.
If Straw Hat Pirates will ever get a 1 vs 1 chance with Blackbeard Pirates, then here is my prediction IF we have to match up current SHP with BBP:

1. Luffy vs BB:
It is very obvious from the start. No need to elaborate more

2. Usopp vs van Augur:
This is also very obvious.

3. Chopper vs Doc Q (and maybe Stronger):
This is also obvious. While Chopper try to save people, Doc Q use his medicine knowledge to create chaos

4. Zoro vs Shiryu:
It is pretty obvious. Both are swordsman, and Zoro need to master Breath of All Things and cut 'nothing'

5. Nami vs Devon:
This is also pretty obvious. Devon like to hunt beautiful women head and Nami definitely considered beautiful by OP standard

6. Jinbe vs Burgess:
Quite obvious as both are brawler, has similar stature, and adept in hand to hand combat.

7. Sanji vs Laffite:
Laffite is very stealth, to the point that he even could infiltrate Mary Geoise even without top tiers like FA Sengoku or Mihawk realize before.
I believe he will be the most difficult enemy that Sanji has to defeat to that time and may force Sanji to develop his CoO even further.
If Laffite has some tied to Okama, then this match up will become more inevitable.

8. Franky vs San Juan Wolf:
While this might seems unrelated at first, Franky and SJW actually a good match up, considering SJW epithet as colossal battle ships and Franky as shipswright. Heck, who knows maybe Franky will show his new 'Ship' / 'Megazord' after seeing Vegapunk invention.

9. Robin vs Pizzaro:
You might heard this first.
Some months ago, I still think Sanji will face Pizzaro. But with the revelation that Pizzaro has island-island fruit, I'm pretty convinced that he will face Robin. Who else will be the better opponent for he who can grow an organ from the island other than the user of Hana Hana no Mi who can grow her organ anywhere.
It would be an epic battle if both are making and controlling a giant 'clone' of themself in the middle of the fight.

10. Brook vs Vasco Shot:
What is the first thing that most people think about Vasco Shot?
Right, it is alcohol!
And how about Brook? What is the most iconic things related to him that always echoes in OP fans heart? Yes, Bing's sake song which also incorporates Brook's laugh.
Imho, both has strong Liquor connection.
Plus both were designed as entertainer in their own way, Jester to Vasco Shot and Musician to Brook.
I speculate both will has the polar opposite background/reaction to some similar event in their past.

That's all from me. While most of it were inspired by others people works, some are based on my orginal idea/speculation

Luffy is already stronger than Kizaru.
It's not weird if Sanji and Zoro end up defeating Admirals in their last fight
Even if that the case what matters with BBP fights thus all the fights with loda is plot or things in common/counterparts
Just like kuzan with swords koby old student vs new student
Or in SH case would be robin since they have backstory together more if sauron is the man with the burnt scar
Wings fights are clearly Shiryu and pizarro that's why loda put them together one is a shameless swordsman the other north blue royalty