Speculations The bombs are new yonko.

Несмотря на предполагаемый Лол+Мид, Мамочка моментально излечилась от повреждений Ло (бесполезный треш-мид даже не смог проткнуть мамину кожу своей ультой, рассмешив ее). Только ядерные бомбы могли победить маму. Почему Ода сделал королевских хакиманов Зоро >> капитанами?
Несмотря на предполагаемый Лол+Мид, Мамочка моментально излечилась от повреждений Ло (бесполезный треш-мид даже не смог проткнуть мамину кожу своей ультой, рассмешив ее). Только ядерные бомбы могли победить маму. Почему Ода сделал королевских хакиманов Зоро >> капитанами?


Despite the Lol + Mid damage, Mom was instantly cured of Lo's injuries (the useless garbage mid couldn't even pierce Mom's skin with his ulta, making her laugh). Only nuclear bombs could defeat Mom. Why did Oda make the royal hakimans Zoro >> captains?
No, Zoro not >> captains
But they are Royal hakimen. Sanji especially. Sanji has CoC too
Despite the Lol + Mid damage, Mom was instantly cured of Lo's injuries (the useless garbage mid couldn't even pierce Mom's skin with his ulta, making her laugh). Only nuclear bombs could defeat Mom. Why did Oda make the royal hakimans Zoro >> captains?
This bomb gags starting to get annoying. Especially considering if u actually read the manga there near irrelevant.

First bombs only purpose was to remove Meme from the island. Something Law could have done alone with PW(island burster), plot restrictions protect meme. Remove alliance an we be looking at PW in a completely different light.

Then There no indication bombs were needed to “knock meme out” either. We already have canon portrayal of healthy meme life being threatened by a vastly smaller fall. Yet Dumbass argue meme nearly dead Meme tanks ? A fall significantly above Kaido sky jump
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Despite the Lol + Mid damage, Mom was instantly cured of Lo's injuries (the useless garbage mid couldn't even pierce Mom's skin with his ulta, making her laugh). Only nuclear bombs could defeat Mom. Why did Oda make the royal hakimans Zoro >> captains?
This month long break is really taking it's toll on people

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The lava pool is the new Yonko :kata:
Wait... If lava pools> Younkos then Akainu>Younkos, checkmate yonkou bois.
Fact. Nuclear Bombs>>Lida's efforts + Lo. And I was so hoping that this Mid would get acoc and start showing its level.... And in the end, King did the same thing in a second, dropping Mom into the sea..... Without Bombs.
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If Bombs were so important, why did big mom need soul pocus to power herself up after damned punk? Why couldn't she just use her soul to power up like the past 2 times she took damage?

Could it be, that big mom was actually at her limits pre-bombs?
If Bombs were so important, why did big mom need soul pocus to power herself up after damned punk? Why couldn't she just use her soul to power up like the past 2 times she took damage?

Could it be, that big mom was actually at her limits pre-bombs?
How can a Kid's boyfriend push someone to the limit?. All his attacks are blows with pieces of steel without khaki.... From his ulta, mom laughs. Oda even turned off the royal khaki 2.0 for Mom. But even in this case, she instantly healed the wound and was destroyed by nuclear bombs. They didn't even knock her out.....
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he didnt make it always has been
Zoro mid-high diff kill Kid+Law unlike bigmom
Yes, Zoro showed monstrous feats of endurance on the roof (a fight without 30 bones), a monstrous damag (top 2 wound in the life of kaido) stopping Hakaya (the strongest attack in the history of VP). Lo became his fan
How can a Kid's boyfriend push someone to the limit?. All his attacks are blows with pieces of steel without khaki.... From his ulta, mom laughs. Oda even turned off the royal khaki 2.0 for Mom. But even in this case, she instantly healed the wound and was destroyed by nuclear bombs. They didn't even knock her out.....
She was pinned to the ground and was unable to do anything.