Theory The burned man has to be a Roger pirate

Timeline of the 4th poneglyph

During Roger’s journey, the poneglyph locations were:
  • Zou
  • WCI
  • Wano
  • Fishman Island
This last one is the 4th missing poneglyph. At some point in the last 20+ years, someone had to have moved the poneglyph.

Furthermore, when Kuzan suggested that he was the burned man, Vasco said it couldn’t be him since he just got his burns.

This means that the rumor of the burned man must have predated the marineford war, which happened 2 years ago, around the same time as Kuzan’s duel.

So simply ask yourself, what was the biggest event that happened between the MF war and Roger’s final voyage? The dissolution of the Roger Pirates and Roger’s execution.

Furthermore, think about how the burned man is said to cause whirlpools. Would it not be strange for a DF to be able to control the ocean? As the ocean counteracts a DFs power.

What can control the ocean, however, are fishmen and Roger had a fishman on his crew, Sunbell.

Chances are the burned man is a Roger pirate, probably Gaban. His crew is likely the rest of the Roger pirates, including Sunbell. They’re probably protecting the 4th RP and waiting for Joyboy to return.
He has a DF.
This would kill the "Roger pirates had no DFs just like RHP" agenda
Also sorry to Gaban fans but none of them are big enough names for it to be satisfying with how Oda hyped the guy up.
And if Oda wanted it to be Gaban he probably would've had a burn scar in the flashback already
1. Why will a roger pirate be in the wg

2. roger’s last scene had him trigger the great era of piracy , makes no sense for a crew member to stall someone from getting to onepiece
Rayleigh said that if the SHs get to Rafter and read what's left there, they might come to a different conclusion about the Void Century and/or the One Piece than the conclusion the Roger Pirates reached.
But that might be too much of a blanket statement.
What if the Roger Pirates themselves couldn't agree on what to do with the knowledge acquired at Rafter?
Roger saw that he was too early to make a change and handed himself over to the WG in order to jumpstart the Piracy Era.
Ray and Crocus seem to have agreed with Roger.
Shanks and Buggy had no say in it because they hadn't reached Rafter.
But what if a member of the Roger Pirates saw another way to it? What if he thought leaving the future to the chaos of the One Piece race was an irresponsible choice? What if he thought whomever aspires to get the One Piece needs to be thoroughly vetted so that said knowledge doesn't end in the wrong hands?
So he kept a piece of the puzzle for himself and awaits now, sailing the seas, dealing with might with whomever unworthy approaches him and just drinking his life away for the moment someone will manage to set foot on his ship.
The WG wouldn't care to stop him, since he himself is blocking potential PK candidates from reaching the end of the journey. And the Burnmark Man himself might not see the WG as negatively as we've been led to believe Roger did. The conflict that occurred in the Void Century was not black and white. Maybe the Burnmark Man sees the WG's current global dominion as safer than the chaos of using the One Piece would plunge the whole world in.

So, in conclusion, the Burnmark Man doesn't HAVE to be an ex Roger Pirate, but him being one can make sense, EVEN if he turned out to be in cahoots with the WG.
What if men marked by flames doesn’t burned? Dragon has a mark on his face which could be from a hot iron and not tattoo aka marked my flames. He could be the one creating whirlpools.
It’s still likely to be Saul. Sauls a D which “brings a storm” as the saying goes. Sauls a man burned from top to bottom. Saul knows of the Poneglyphs due to his recovery of the Ohara research and above all, the Ohara incident was the same year as Rogers death which lines up with how the Poneglyph disappeared as it was the only one Saul would have access to.
Yeah no offence this is ridiculous.
The idea that the entire roger pirates are sailing together and rayleigh isn't a part of that is stupid.

The oceans don't cancel df powers. They weaken the user. People can use their powers in the water. They just can't move their bodies and are like anchors.

The Whirlpools are clearly some form of df or scientific phenomenon. Several fruits could create whirlpools. A vortex fruit, a vacuum fruit, shikis fruit, a wind fruit, weather fruit. These could all make whirlpools.

The man marked by flames isn't gonna be some random legend who doesn't care for the poneglipphs. It being shiki, silver axe any of these guys doesn't make any sense. We know shiki is not even interested in the one piece.

The only people that make sense are the new wg affiliated guy that shiryuu suggested or dragon.
He has a DF.
This would kill the "Roger pirates had no DFs just like RHP" agenda
Also sorry to Gaban fans but none of them are big enough names for it to be satisfying with how Oda hyped the guy up.
And if Oda wanted it to be Gaban he probably would've had a burn scar in the flashback already
Him having a DF isn’t confirmed

Also, Gaban is definitely a big name