Theory The Celestial Alignment and Its Omen

- Note: This theory assumes Oda has knowledge of and pays attention to current and upcoming astronomical events.

On June 3, a very rare astronomical event will occur: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will align in the sky Venus, always the "morning star," will be present but not aligned. (I'll delve into this later.) Assuming the chapter officially releases on Sunday, June 2, in Japan, this date could coincide with chapter 1,117, barring any unplanned breaks.

Could Oda plan something special involving the Gorosei on this date? It seems like a perfect opportunity. I'm not suggesting they will be defeated, but rather that, just as "the five wandering stars" will be visible to the naked eye, the world may uncover secrets about them and Imu, allowing everyone to "see" them as they truly are.

Additionally, with Neptune (Poseidon) and Uranus in the mix, it would be fascinating to discover the third and last ancient weapon, about which we know nothing. It could even be revealed as the Celestial Hammer, given its sky-originating devastating attack.

Returning to Venus, let's explore a bit about astronomy and religion: Venus is known as the morning star, the first "star" to shine in the sky. It was later discovered to be a planet, but the legends had already been established. Venus is considered the most beautiful, shining brighter than any other and being the first to appear, attempting to rival the Sun (GOD) but never matching its brilliance. Both Aphrodite and Lucifer represent this celestial body, symbolizing beauty. Lucifer, originally named Samael, "the most beautiful of all," derives from the Latin words Lux (light) and ferre (to carry), meaning "the light-bringer."

Although Venus symbolizes beauty, the Christian religion attributes malignancy to it, comparing its desire to be the most beautiful and the first light of the day to the "LIGHT" which is God (the sun). Drawing a parallel with One Piece, it's no coincidence that Zoro possesses the Sandai Kitetsu, the great Cursed Blade, and that his attacks often reference various hells, earning him the title "King of Hell."

P.S.: Yes, GOD is the Sun, which is why in many religions, it is associated with 12 followers, representing the 12 constellations that orbit it. If Oda is aware of this and intends to make a direct reference, could this confirm 12 crewmates for Luffy? Would Yamato and Momonosuke count after Vivi?
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