I am curious gow this plays out though:

- Sanji and Franky are the only ones in front of Saturn and Kizaru. Luffy is MIA. Zoro is in the dome with the rest of the crew
- Franky got kicked, so he definitely either needs to get back up soon or this leaves Sanji alone
- There are still Vice Admirals sitting around that may end up playing roles.

Bar none, if Luffy or someone else doesnt jump in to help hold everyone back, what is even going to happen right now lol. No way Sanji can do it alone or even with just Franky
I am curious gow this plays out though:

- Sanji and Franky are the only ones in front of Saturn and Kizaru. Luffy is MIA. Zoro is in the dome with the rest of the crew
- Franky got kicked, so he definitely either needs to get back up soon or this leaves Sanji alone
- There are still Vice Admirals sitting around that may end up playing roles.

Bar none, if Luffy or someone else doesnt jump in to help hold everyone back, what is even going to happen right now lol. No way Sanji can do it alone or even with just Franky
Sanji will stall kizaru a bit. Then, something will happen and kizaru will eventually flip.