Questions & Mysteries The Man, The Last Poneglyph, and Vira

Where is the last Road Poneglyph?

Why was it taken from Fishman Island?

Who is the Man Marked by Flames?

How does he possess or have knowledge of the last Road Poneglyph?

How is he able to conjure whirlpools to cause dismay to those who near him?

A thousand questions could be asked that panders the location of the last Road Poneglyph and the identity of the man who was “marked by flames”. However, I’m only going to stick to these main six to create a detailed theory of location of the Poneglyph and the identity of our mysterious man.

The Road Poneglyphs

As we all know, there are a total of four Road Poneglyphs located throughout the world. Three of the four were placed on islands that seemed to be allied with Joy Boy and Big Mom somehow gained possession of the fourth from an unknown location.

We can assume that the Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s possession came from another race allied with Joy Boy, the Giants! However, that is still speculation and not important to our overall theory, so I will not elaborate.

Fishman Island (10,000 Meters Below Sea Level)

Zou (Inside the Whale Tree)

Wano (Under Mt. Fuji)

Whole Cake Island (Elbalf?)

If we assume that WCI Road Poneglyph came from Elbalf, then that would mean four for the most important “people” to Joy Boy. Each in locations that are extremely hard to reach by the regular person.

Where Is Fishman Island’s Road Poneglyph?

The last Road Poneglyph had been sitting in FMI for who knows how long. The first person we see interact with it is Roger, 25 years prior to where we are now, and just before he reached Laugh Tale.

Somewhere between Roger’s arrival at Laugh Tale and the death of Roger would the Poneglyph become missing.

So this panders the first question…

Due to recent chapters, we can confirm that it is not on Fullalead or Elbalf. If we are to actually look at the Road to Laughtale for insight, then that leaves Vira as the last island standing.


Not much is known, about Vira. It is only ever mentioned two times in the manga and never elaborated more on, but what if I told you Vira could indeed have some connections to the last Road Poneglyph.

Vira is first mentioned in Chapter 96 and again in Chapter 228:

“But wait! How is Vira connected to the Poneglyph and it’s only been mentioned two times like 10 years ago.”

Well my young padawans… This is where the deep dive into the theory fully starts!

Oda Chapter Number Theory

As we all know, Oda loves to use his chapter numbers as ways to callback certain events, or tease certain events for the future.

Would you believe me if I told you by mixing some numbers around I may have the location of the last Poneglyph and the Man Marked by Flames? You don’t? Well look below and I’ll turn your thoughts around.

First I will confirm that you can indeed use chapter numbers sometimes to find a callback or a foreshadow.

Part 1 “The Importance of 96”:

The Man Marked by Flames was first teased in Chapter 1056.

Guess who else had something to say in Chapter 1056?

Hmm… Caribou eavesdropping on Ancient Weapon conversation? How about I reverse the chapter number from 1056 to 650 & 651.

Chapter 650:

“Who’s that Pokémon?!?!”

It’s eavesdropping Caribou of course and just like I said, if we use the Chapter Number Theory then there is indeed connections between a lot of things.

“But what is Vira’s connection to the number theory?”

69… 96… Volume 96… What if I told you these could be analogies for the beginning and the end?

In Chapter 96 we first get Vira/Villa mentioned by name, but what is the overall importance of Chapter 96?

“96… Why does it keep popping up? Why is 96 so important?”

In Volume 96 or to be more specific Chapter 967 (96 again?!?!) we finally get to see Roger’s route to the One Piece from the beginning to the end as well as the names of his crew.

So to make a long theory short… While Loguetown is the beginning and end of Roger, it is also the beginning of journey, but not yet the end. Just as Vira was mentioned in Chapter 96 makes me believe it will be the “end” of our journey.

Not in the sense that it will be the last island we travel to, but in the sense that it is the island where we receive the last Poneglyph, which would mark the end of our journey for the Four Road Poneglyphs.

Part 2 “The Man Marked by Flames”:

“Honestly I’m still not sold… You haven’t even talked about the Man Marked by Flames yet. What is his importance?”

As said above, the man marked by flames was first mentioned in Chapter 1056 and if we reverse the numbers we arrive back at Fishman Island where some of the Poneglyphs are explained. The main question is why would someone move the Poneglyph from Fishman Island?

“Have we seen someone move a Poneglyph before?”

Indeed we have in the cover story of Chapter 778:

There we see Jinbei, a Fishman moving a Poneglyph from one location to another.

Now this is where we dive back into our number theory.

What if I told you if we reverse Chapter 778 to Chapter 87 we will find the man marked by flames?

Chapter 87:

“Choo is the Man Marked by Flames?!?!?”

Hahaha… No.

So now let’s try to form a connection here:

Jinbei moves a Poneglyph from one location to another.

In the reverse chapter, Choo is hit by the Flame Star and Marked by Flames.

Combine the two and we have a Fishman who was Marked by Flames moving a Poneglyph to another location?

“But where is there any confirmation or acknowledgement that the man marked by flames is a Fishman?”

Chapter 1081:

“But here it says he probably has a devil fruit and is allied with the marines?.”

What if I told you both of those comments were Red Herrings? You get it? Fishman…. A herring fish? Nvm… The joke was funny in my head.

Anyway, I believe that the cause of the whirlpool is due to Fishman related abilities. I remember seeing a trio of Fishman creating a whirlpool before. Would you care to guess who they were?

“So you’re telling me that some random Fishman took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to who knows where and is just traveling the seas sinking people?”

Yes, I’m telling you exactly that… However I don’t think the Fishman who did it is random.

Part 3 “The Roger Pirates”:

Since the Strawhats have started their journey they’ve encountered various members of the Roger Pirates, however the most important two by far are Crocus and Rayleigh.

Crocus was encountered on their entry point in to the Grandline near Reverse Mountain and gave them his Log Pose and knowledge of how to move through the risky waters.

Rayleigh encountered them on Sabaody Archipelago and took it a step further by training Luffy, coating their ship, and telling them how to navigate to Fishman Island.

We’re now nearing the end of the journey and most theorize that a third member from the Roger Pirates will appear and help the crew make their way to Lodestar Island.

If a crew member appears, what could they give them that will help them? Crocus gave a Log Pose to Nami to navigate the Grand Line and Rayleigh coated the Thousand Sunny so that could make their way underwater to get to Fishman Island.

Is it possible the third member has a connection to the last Road Poneglyph and will give them information on how to obtain it in order to reach Lodestar Island?

I myself think this is highly possible and that the man marked by flames is none other than…

Sike! While I do want to see Scopper Gaban in the present time, I for one don’t think he is the one responsible for moving the Poneglyph from Fishman Island. My theory on who the man marked by flames is the lone Fishman that was apart of the Roger Pirates, Sunbell.

Not much is known about Sunbell aside from his name and that he is a Fishman.

However, let’s think thoroughly right now…

The Road Poneglyph was secured safely on Fishman Island. As for as we know it was stolen (given King Neptune hasn’t had any reactions about it), it can be safe to assume that it was simply moved to another location some time after the Roger Pirates returned from Laugh Tale.

It is highly unlikely someone had waltz inside of the kingdom and stone a Poneglyph from under their nose.

I assume that with whatever knowledge they obtained from the Final Island, the Roger Pirates or Sunbell by himself decided to safeguard the last Road Poneglyph.

The Road Poneglyphs that are on Zou and under Wano are nearly impossible to obtain, so in their case they are forever protected unless one reveals the location. The Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s posses we can assume was stolen from Elbalf some time between her leave from Rocks and before Whitebeard vs Roger.

Even though Fishman Island is several thousand meters underwater, it is still the most visited out of Wano and Zou by regular humans.

The End:

So now to make a long theory short…

Sunbell of the Roger Pirates possible took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to some unknown location (Vira or an area near it) to save guard it in hopes that he could pass its information to the people who would appear in 25 years to fulfill whatever prophecy that was on Laugh Tale.

Sunbell’s name could provide insight that he indeed was the one who moved the Poneglyph...

So, let’s think. In a way is Luffy himself not some sort of “Sun Bell”?

When Zunesha hears the Drums of Liberation he signals Joy Boy’s return. We all know what bells are used for, so in this case Luffy is a bell of some sort.

Sunbell could literally be the last point for Luffy that leads to him accomplishing his goals of conquering the sea and becoming the Pirate King.

Vira has already appeared in recent chapters…
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Really good theory and well explained ,good job :milaugh:

What you think about the black ship they mentioned last chapter?

and i found this on Instagram .

Nice weather and a sudden appearance of a whirlpool at the start of Luffys journey .
Coincidence ? I don‘t think so :quest:

It is implied ,by Laffitee because no one could get near this ship since maybe 2 decades.

Would be really funny ,if Luffy was the one that almost encountered this individual at the start of his journey by fate ,who later turns out to be the "Gate Keeper" to Laugh Tale.
Interesting Analysis, i definitely would love to see how Vira would get included in Story again
But i have to disagree on Identity of Man Marked By Flames. This is a much bigger Reveal
And it's Foreshadowed since Chapter 2
If this really turns out to be true ,where Luffy encounters the whirlpool was because of "That Man" ,it would be absolutely fire .

I remember seeing an Vivre card article .
Where Oda said "Swirls" are important.
he was referring to Sanjis eyebrows and the current of the OP ocean .
He followed up with Swirls (potentially he meant Whirlpools) , will become really important in the future .
You heard about that?

Sadly i can‘t find this article anymore .
If this really turns out to be true ,where Luffy encounters the whirlpool was because of "That Man" ,it would be absolutely fire .

I remember seeing an Vivre card article .
Where Oda said "Swirls" are important.
he was referring to Sanjis eyebrows and the current of the OP ocean .
He followed up with Swirls (potentially he meant Whirlpools) , will become really important in the future .
You heard about that?

Sadly i can‘t find this article anymore .
This one?
Really good theory and well explained ,good job :milaugh:

What you think about the black ship they mentioned last chapter?

and i found this on Instagram .

Nice weather and a sudden appearance of a whirlpool at the start of Luffys journey .
Coincidence ? I don‘t think so :quest:

It is implied ,by Laffitee because no one could get near this ship since maybe 2 decades.

Would be really funny ,if Luffy was the one that almost encountered this individual at the start of his journey by fate ,who later turns out to be the "Gate Keeper" to Laugh Tale.
naw I honestly believe those who are theorizing on random whirlpools being connected to the man marked by flames are just shitposting lol.

If there is any whirlpool that may be connected to the man, it will be the one the crew pulled Bonney from. I feel that was the most random thing in these last few chapters.
Yes thanks man ,
ah i remembered that wrong .
It was more about Tidal waves.

naw I honestly believe those who are theorizing on random whirlpools being connected to the man marked by flames are just shitposting lol.

If there is any whirlpool that may be connected to the man, it will be the one the crew pulled Bonney from. I feel that was the most random thing in these last few chapters.
ah Whirlpool appearing out of nowhere in good weather isn‘t random i think.

The thing they pulled Bonney out was called an Warm Eddy by Nami ,it seems more like a commonly known weather phenomenon .

Nami mentioned it was kinda weird,because it was rising above water.
Where is the last Road Poneglyph?

Why was it taken from Fishman Island?

Who is the Man Marked by Flames?

How does he possess or have knowledge of the last Road Poneglyph?

How is he able to conjure whirlpools to cause dismay to those who near him?

A thousand questions could be asked that panders the location of the last Road Poneglyph and the identity of the man who was “marked by flames”. However, I’m only going to stick to these main six to create a detailed theory of location of the Poneglyph and the identity of our mysterious man.

The Road Poneglyphs

As we all know, there are a total of four Road Poneglyphs located throughout the world. Three of the four were placed on islands that seemed to be allied with Joy Boy and Big Mom somehow gained possession of the fourth from an unknown location.

We can assume that the Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s possession came from another race allied with Joy Boy, the Giants! However, that is still speculation and not important to our overall theory, so I will not elaborate.

Fishman Island (10,000 Meters Below Sea Level)

Zou (Inside the Whale Tree)

Wano (Under Mt. Fuji)

Whole Cake Island (Elbalf?)

If we assume that WCI Road Poneglyph came from Elbalf, then that would mean four for the most important “people” to Joy Boy. Each in locations that are extremely hard to reach by the regular person.

Where Is Fishman Island’s Road Poneglyph?

The last Road Poneglyph had been sitting in FMI for who knows how long. The first person we see interact with it is Roger, 25 years prior to where we are now, and just before he reached Laugh Tale.

Somewhere between Roger’s arrival at Laugh Tale and the death of Roger would the Poneglyph become missing.

So this panders the first question…

Due to recent chapters, we can confirm that it is not on Fullalead or Elbalf. If we are to actually look at the Road to Laughtale for insight, then that leaves Vira as the last island standing.


Not much is known, about Vira. It is only ever mentioned two times in the manga and never elaborated more on, but what if I told you Vira could indeed have some connections to the last Road Poneglyph.

Vira is first mentioned in Chapter 96 and again in Chapter 228:

“But wait! How is Vira connected to the Poneglyph and it’s only been mentioned two times like 10 years ago.”

Well my young padawans… This is where the deep dive into the theory fully starts!

Oda Chapter Number Theory

As we all know, Oda loves to use his chapter numbers as ways to callback certain events, or tease certain events for the future.

Would you believe me if I told you by mixing some numbers around I may have the location of the last Poneglyph and the Man Marked by Flames? You don’t? Well look below and I’ll turn your thoughts around.

First I will confirm that you can indeed use chapter numbers sometimes to find a callback or a foreshadow.

Part 1 “The Importance of 96”:

The Man Marked by Flames was first teased in Chapter 1056.

Guess who else had something to say in Chapter 1056?

Hmm… Caribou eavesdropping on Ancient Weapon conversation? How about I reverse the chapter number from 1056 to 650 & 651.

Chapter 650:

“Who’s that Pokémon?!?!”

It’s eavesdropping Caribou of course and just like I said, if we use the Chapter Number Theory then there is indeed connections between a lot of things.

“But what is Vira’s connection to the number theory?”

69… 96… Volume 96… What if I told you these could be analogies for the beginning and the end?

In Chapter 96 we first get Vira/Villa mentioned by name, but what is the overall importance of Chapter 96?

“96… Why does it keep popping up? Why is 96 so important?”

In Volume 96 or to be more specific Chapter 967 (96 again?!?!) we finally get to see Roger’s route to the One Piece from the beginning to the end as well as the names of his crew.

So to make a long theory short… While Loguetown is the beginning and end of Roger, it is also the beginning of journey, but not yet the end. Just as Vira was mentioned in Chapter 96 makes me believe it will be the “end” of our journey.

Not in the sense that it will be the last island we travel to, but in the sense that it is the island where we receive the last Poneglyph, which would mark the end of our journey for the Four Road Poneglyphs.

Part 2 “The Man Marked by Flames”:

“Honestly I’m still not sold… You haven’t even talked about the Man Marked by Flames yet. What is his importance?”

As said above, the man marked by flames was first mentioned in Chapter 1056 and if we reverse the numbers we arrive back at Fishman Island where some of the Poneglyphs are explained. The main question is why would someone move the Poneglyph from Fishman Island?

“Have we seen someone move a Poneglyph before?”

Indeed we have in the cover story of Chapter 778:

There we see Jinbei, a Fishman moving a Poneglyph from one location to another.

Now this is where we dive back into our number theory.

What if I told you if we reverse Chapter 778 to Chapter 87 we will find the man marked by flames?

Chapter 87:

“Choo is the Man Marked by Flames?!?!?”

Hahaha… No.

So now let’s try to form a connection here:

Jinbei moves a Poneglyph from one location to another.

In the reverse chapter, Choo is hit by the Flame Star and Marked by Flames.

Combine the two and we have a Fishman who was Marked by Flames moving a Poneglyph to another location?

“But where is there any confirmation or acknowledgement that the man marked by flames is a Fishman?”

Chapter 1081:

“But here it says he probably has a devil fruit and is allied with the marines?.”

What if I told you both of those comments were Red Herrings? You get it? Fishman…. A herring fish? Nvm… The joke was funny in my head.

Anyway, I believe that the cause of the whirlpool is due to Fishman related abilities. I remember seeing a trio of Fishman creating a whirlpool before. Would you care to guess who they were?

“So you’re telling me that some random Fishman took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to who knows where and is just traveling the seas sinking people?”

Yes, I’m telling you exactly that… However I don’t think the Fishman who did it is random.

Part 3 “The Roger Pirates”:

Since the Strawhats have started their journey they’ve encountered various members of the Roger Pirates, however the most important two by far are Crocus and Rayleigh.

Crocus was encountered on their entry point in to the Grandline near Reverse Mountain and gave them his Log Pose and knowledge of how to move through the risky waters.

Rayleigh encountered them on Sabaody Archipelago and took it a step further by training Luffy, coating their ship, and telling them how to navigate to Fishman Island.

We’re now nearing the end of the journey and most theorize that a third member from the Roger Pirates will appear and help the crew make their way to Lodestar Island.

If a crew member appears, what could they give them that will help them? Crocus gave a Log Pose to Nami to navigate the Grand Line and Rayleigh coated the Thousand Sunny so that could make their way underwater to get to Fishman Island.

Is it possible the third member has a connection to the last Road Poneglyph and will give them information on how to obtain it in order to reach Lodestar Island?

I myself think this is highly possible and that the man marked by flames is none other than…

Sike! While I do want to see Scopper Gaban in the present time, I for one don’t think he is the one responsible for moving the Poneglyph from Fishman Island. My theory on who the man marked by flames is the lone Fishman that was apart of the Roger Pirates, Sunbell.

Not much is known about Sunbell aside from his name and that he is a Fishman.

However, let’s think thoroughly right now…

The Road Poneglyph was secured safely on Fishman Island. As for as we know it was stolen (given King Neptune hasn’t had any reactions about it), it can be safe to assume that it was simply moved to another location some time after the Roger Pirates returned from Laugh Tale.

It is highly unlikely someone had waltz inside of the kingdom and stone a Poneglyph from under their nose.

I assume that with whatever knowledge they obtained from the Final Island, the Roger Pirates or Sunbell by himself decided to safeguard the last Road Poneglyph.

The Road Poneglyphs that are on Zou and under Wano are nearly impossible to obtain, so in their case they are forever protected unless one reveals the location. The Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s posses we can assume was stolen from Elbalf some time between her leave from Rocks and before Whitebeard vs Roger.

Even though Fishman Island is several thousand meters underwater, it is still the most visited out of Wano and Zou by regular humans.

The End:

So now to make a long theory short…

Sunbell of the Roger Pirates possible took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to some unknown location (Vira or an area near it) to save guard it in hopes that he could pass its information to the people who would appear in 25 years to fulfill whatever prophecy that was on Laugh Tale.

Sunbell’s name could provide insight that he indeed was the one who moved the Poneglyph...

So, let’s think. In a way is Luffy himself not some sort of “Sun Bell”?

When Zunesha hears the Drums of Liberation he signals Joy Boy’s return. We all know what bells are used for, so in this case Luffy is a bell of some sort.

Sunbell could literally be the last point for Luffy that leads to him accomplishing his goals of conquering the sea and becoming the Pirate King.

Vira has already appeared in recent chapters…
Very interesting and well thought out theory

It's also interesting that Sunbell is wearing a Hawaiian shirt and in current story we have Jinbei (Fishman) and Sanji (32 == San ni/Sunny) both wearing Hawaiian shirts.
If this really turns out to be true ,where Luffy encounters the whirlpool was because of "That Man" ,it would be absolutely fire .

I remember seeing an Vivre card article .
Where Oda said "Swirls" are important.
he was referring to Sanjis eyebrows and the current of the OP ocean .
He followed up with Swirls (potentially he meant Whirlpools) , will become really important in the future .
You heard about that?

Sadly i can‘t find this article anymore .
Chapter 2 was when We first saw that Whirlpool & it basically Started Luffy's Journey
Everyone thinks that it's just a Normal Storm, but can anyone Prove that World Pre-Chapter 2 & Post-Chapter 2 are Same?!
Luffy didn't just get hit by a Whirlpool, He basically entered a Different World, or should i say "Reversed World"
Hence why Roger's First Words to Rayleigh were: "Let's turn the World upside down"

And what happened after He got sucked by Whirlpool, Luffy entered a Barrel, that was also a Major Foreshadowing which i will explain shortly.
What's interesting is that this Whirlpool led to Luffy meeting Koby who in turn led him to Zoro.
Right after Shells Town Arc, Oda showed us that Nami also encountered a Storm which eventually led to Buggy Arc where Luffy/Nami met.

Such Details are not Random, cuz as soon as these Three joined each other, Oda said "Triggers of One Piece are Together now"
Actually when Luffy recruited Zoro, Narrator said "They made a Massive Mistake" which Fans think it's related to not having Navigational Skills but that's not the case, cuz Luffy & Zoro were Lost anyway way before their Meeting, it clearly was a Foreshadowing for something bigger

Then during Baratie Arc, Oda released a Chapter Titled "Before The Storm" & We thought that it was Reference to Krieg Pirates Raid on Baratie, but then out of nowhere, Mihawk showed up & his Introduction Chapter was Titled "Storm", meaning that He represents the Storm that was just Teased

Do you know what's crazy about this? Mihawk coming to East Blue was because of Krieg who survived thanks to what? A Sudden Storm!
So you could say that Mihawk meeting Luffy/Zoro was also Fated thanks to a Storm

But that's not all, because Oda is repeating same Scenario in this Arc, but instead of Chapter Title, He made the Narrator tease an Upcoming Major Incident, and He made it seem like it's related to Marine's Attack (Just like Krieg Pirates), but it's actually about sudden Arrival of this Storm Manipulator (A New Villain)

I shared a Thread before explaining how Zoro is repeating same Feats as Pre-TS Mihawk but in Reverse Circumstances & only one remaining is Zoro attacking a Fleet after being woken up (We've already seen this Scene & there is indeed a Fleet outside Egghead), so Zoro might attack few Marine Ships (Let's say 5 or 10 who are sent first to check Egghead's Defenses), that's when a Single Ship tries to Escape back to Kizaru's Side, then this Lurking Legend comes out of nowhere

Anyway, Oda then in Arlong Park showed us how Whirlpools are Created, and then in Loguetown, He showed us Luffy being saved from Buggy thanks to a Storm & then He said that Crocodile gonna be defeated by a Weather related Move & it turned out to be Gomu Gomu No Storm ... etc

There are actually dozens of dozens of Hints about this Character i can mention, & we actually have Info about him more than most Introduced Characters, it's just that most Fans didn't notice his Existence

All of these things, i mentioned them way before Last Chapter was released cuz i've been waiting for this Character's Introduction for so long, and i will leave you with Three more Hints:

1. Thriller Bark started by finding a Barrel which Robin explained that it's a tradition to put Treasures inside a Barrel as an offering to Sea God
(Now you understand why Oda put Luffy in a Barrel after He got eaten by that Whirlpool in Chapter 2)

2. This Character is Hinted to have Knowledge of Fate & Dorry confirmed such Character as Elbaf's God of War & He called his Ability as Divine Judgment (They believe He can decide who wins between them, meaning He has Fate-Related Ability)

3. This Storm Character is none other than the one mentioned by Pappug in Vander Decken's Legend

Once He gets Introduced, i will explain everything about him & entire OP Lore
I'm just waiting to confirm who He is exactly, cuz there are multiple Characters who i'm not sure if they are different or the same & one
Chapter 2 was when We first saw that Whirlpool & it basically Started Luffy's Journey
Everyone thinks that it's just a Normal Storm, but can anyone Prove that World Pre-Chapter 2 & Post-Chapter 2 are Same?!
Luffy didn't just get hit by a Whirlpool, He basically entered a Different World, or should i say "Reversed World"
Hence why Roger's First Words to Rayleigh were: "Let's turn the World upside down"

And what happened after He got sucked by Whirlpool, Luffy entered a Barrel, that was also a Major Foreshadowing which i will explain shortly.
What's interesting is that this Whirlpool led to Luffy meeting Koby who in turn led him to Zoro.
Right after Shells Town Arc, Oda showed us that Nami also encountered a Storm which eventually led to Buggy Arc where Luffy/Nami met.

Such Details are not Random, cuz as soon as these Three joined each other, Oda said "Triggers of One Piece are Together now"
Actually when Luffy recruited Zoro, Narrator said "They made a Massive Mistake" which Fans think it's related to not having Navigational Skills but that's not the case, cuz Luffy & Zoro were Lost anyway way before their Meeting, it clearly was a Foreshadowing for something bigger

Then during Baratie Arc, Oda released a Chapter Titled "Before The Storm" & We thought that it was Reference to Krieg Pirates Raid on Baratie, but then out of nowhere, Mihawk showed up & his Introduction Chapter was Titled "Storm", meaning that He represents the Storm that was just Teased

Do you know what's crazy about this? Mihawk coming to East Blue was because of Krieg who survived thanks to what? A Sudden Storm!
So you could say that Mihawk meeting Luffy/Zoro was also Fated thanks to a Storm

But that's not all, because Oda is repeating same Scenario in this Arc, but instead of Chapter Title, He made the Narrator tease an Upcoming Major Incident, and He made it seem like it's related to Marine's Attack (Just like Krieg Pirates), but it's actually about sudden Arrival of this Storm Manipulator (A New Villain)

I shared a Thread before explaining how Zoro is repeating same Feats as Pre-TS Mihawk but in Reverse Circumstances & only one remaining is Zoro attacking a Fleet after being woken up (We've already seen this Scene & there is indeed a Fleet outside Egghead), so Zoro might attack few Marine Ships (Let's say 5 or 10 who are sent first to check Egghead's Defenses), that's when a Single Ship tries to Escape back to Kizaru's Side, then this Lurking Legend comes out of nowhere

Anyway, Oda then in Arlong Park showed us how Whirlpools are Created, and then in Loguetown, He showed us Luffy being saved from Buggy thanks to a Storm & then He said that Crocodile gonna be defeated by a Weather related Move & it turned out to be Gomu Gomu No Storm ... etc

There are actually dozens of dozens of Hints about this Character i can mention, & we actually have Info about him more than most Introduced Characters, it's just that most Fans didn't notice his Existence

All of these things, i mentioned them way before Last Chapter was released cuz i've been waiting for this Character's Introduction for so long, and i will leave you with Three more Hints:

1. Thriller Bark started by finding a Barrel which Robin explained that it's a tradition to put Treasures inside a Barrel as an offering to Sea God
(Now you understand why Oda put Luffy in a Barrel after He got eaten by that Whirlpool in Chapter 2)

2. This Character is Hinted to have Knowledge of Fate & Dorry confirmed such Character as Elbaf's God of War & He called his Ability as Divine Judgment (They believe He can decide who wins between them, meaning He has Fate-Related Ability)

3. This Storm Character is none other than the one mentioned by Pappug in Vander Decken's Legend

Once He gets Introduced, i will explain everything about him & entire OP Lore
I'm just waiting to confirm who He is exactly, cuz there are multiple Characters who i'm not sure if they are different or the same & one
Holy ,did you come up with all of this?

This is really good stuff :steef:

btw while i was reading all this this came up to my mind again

" D" will bring forth another Storm
I doubt it's a Roger Pirate. So far their locations and vocations coincide with the idea that Roger wanted as many pirates out there looking for the One Piece in order for one to become Pirate King.

Imo it's Xebec who ate a Davy Jones like fruit, that allows him to control the sea but for some reason is condemned to sail the sea as the gatekeeper instead of achieving his dream. Which could coincide with Blackbeard killing him, taking his DF and inheriting his will.

With that being said Vira could be his territory, and in fact it could be the third island in the map we were shown in chapter 1056. If Law was intercepted before he could arrive at his true destination it could be that he was heading there

Which could also explain this shaded panel here, Law knew he was in fact the closest to finding out the man scarred by flames since he was heading towards him.

And it means that Blackbeard, Shanks and Luffy are all around the area. Meaning we may see all 3(or 4 if we include Buggy) going there
Holy ,did you come up with all of this?

This is really good stuff :steef:

btw while i was reading all this this came up to my mind again

" D" will bring forth another Storm
Exactly, that's another Reference
This Storm is even mentioned in Bink's Sake Song
And btw, Roger Pirates failed to Find Brook, but SHs did, how? Cuz a Sudden Storm changed their course!
This is basically OP's Final Villain & True Mastermind, think of him as Doflamingo of entire OPVerse

His Team consists of Vander Decken (His Commander), Willie Gallon (His Scientist) & Bakkin (90% Sure but not 100%)
Vander Decken can Control DF Users & He can also awaken 20 Double-Layered Eyed Knights (Mihawk, Imu & Hakuba are Three of them)
This Villain also has Sea Kings under his Control (They were actually created for him)
And He has Uranus Powers, so He is pretty much a Legend whom no one can mess with
(Luffy, WG, Blackbeard, Mihawk, Elbaf ... etc are just Pawns in his Game)
Exactly, that's another Reference
This Storm is even mentioned in Bink's Sake Song
And btw, Roger Pirates failed to Find Brook, but SHs did, how? Cuz a Sudden Storm changed their course!
This is basically OP's Final Villain & True Mastermind, think of him as Doflamingo of entire OPVerse

His Team consists of Vander Decken (His Commander), Willie Gallon (His Scientist) & Bakkin (90% Sure but not 100%)
Vander Decken can Control DF Users & He can also awaken 20 Double-Layered Eyed Knights (Mihawk, Imu & Hakuba are Three of them)
This Villain also has Sea Kings under his Control (They were actually created for him)
And He has Uranus Powers, so He is pretty much a Legend whom no one can mess with
(Luffy, WG, Blackbeard, Mihawk, Elbaf ... etc are just Pawns in his Game)
Willie Gallon just looked that up.
One of his quotes

"Anything that man can imagine is a possibility in reality "
This wasn‘t even mentioned in the anime ,only in the manga .

20 Double Layered Eyed Knights ,what do you mean with that?
Willie Gallon just looked that up.
One of his quotes

"Anything that man can imagine is a possibility in reality "
This wasn‘t even mentioned in the anime ,only in the manga .

20 Double Layered Eyed Knights ,what do you mean with that?
Yes, He is basically Endgame Version of Caesar
Let me give an idea of what He done

Kaidou was Main Villain of Raid while Big Mom was Secondary Villain
Big Mom was the one who gave Kaidou his Powers (His Fruit)

When SHs reached Punk Hazard, They found Caesar is working on Two Projects
Smile Fruits ---> To create an Army fitting of Kaidou (King of Beasts or Strongest Creature)
Giant Children ---> They were basically a Copy of Big Mom
So Caesar was technically creating Main Villain's Army & Copying Secondary Villain

Final Villain was also granted his Powers (Uranus) by someone else (Secondary Villain)
Actually Oda Hinted at existence of these Two Major Villains at End of Raid when Kaidou's Fall created a Swirly Hole while Big Mom's Hole was next to it (Exactly as we've seen during Enies Lobby Arc, there is a Huge Whirlpool in Grand Line & Next to it is a Massive Hole
(Final Villain is related to that Whirlpool while Secondary Villain is related to that Ennies Lobby Hole)

Anyway, this Willie Gallon guy did the same as Ceasar, He worked on Two Projects
1. Create an Army worthy of Final Villain (He is Sea God)
2. Do experiments on certain People to give them qualities to Host same Powers as Secondary Villain (He is Sea Devil)

That Army came to be known as "Sea Kings"
Those People came to be known as "D."
And just like Kaidou's Army got turned against him thanks to a Girl (O-Tama), Sea Kings also changed sides thanks to First Poseidon

Actually, Final Villain have Uranus Powers, his Army were Sea Kings & He had a Secondary Villain on his side
A Mermaid took control of Sea Kings so She received the Title "Poseidon"
A Man created a Weapon to defeat Secondary Villain (Sea Devil) & send it to Depths of World, so it received Title of "Pluton"
And Rebel Leader got his hands on same Powers as Final Villain, which received the Name "Uranus"

Just like Kaidou's Army was Stopped by O-Tama, His Secondary Villain (Big Mom) was shot down to a deep deep hole by a Powerful Canon (Kid) & Rebel Leader (Momo) was able to unlock same Powers as Kaidou (His DF)

What do O-Tama, Momo & Kid have in Common? Not only They are Foreshadowing of Three Ancient Weapons, but They are the ones who got attacked by Kaidou himself (Momo during his Flashback, Kid during Kaidou's Introduction & O-Tama during Wano Act 1 after her Village was Destroyed)

This is how i knew that Final Villain is gonna send his Subordinate to Destroy Poseidon's Home (Fishmen Island) & that's obviously Vander Decken The First (Wearing Mary Geoise Straw Hat), and i knew that Final Villain is gonna be Introduced on the Island of only Man who inherited a Mind capable of building something like Pluton, that's obviously Vegapunk & this is why i knew that Rebel Leader (Dragon) have same Powers as Final Villain (But way Inferior, meaning He also has Uranus Powers) and this also means that just like Momo, Dragon became a Freedom Fighter after He had an encounter with this Final Villain

As for Secondary Villain, it's Sea Devil & it's none other than Blackbeard's Final Form (The reason He is called "They") & the reason Urouge said "Blackbeard is Eye of The Storm, He is The Key". Actually the reason Luffy & Blackbeard Parallel each other is cuz Blackbeard is basically Final Villain's Champion while Luffy is Dragon's Champion

Dragon mirrors Final Villain
Luffy mirros Blackbeard
Sabo mirrors Imu
Five Revo Commanders mirror Gorosei

So those with D. are simply Descendants of People whom Willie Gallon turned into Potential Hosts of World Ending Power (Think of them as Moria's Oars but on a World Scale, not Island Scale), this is why CDs say "If you misbehave, D. will come & eat you"

Sorry for Long Post, but i'm just excited about this Arc's Ending, cuz i've been waiting for it for Years
As for Double-Layered Eyed People, i will leave it's explanation for another time, let's just say that there are 20 Immortal Knights who keep getting resurrected inside Human Hosts, and when They finally Sync/Their awareness merges, their Eyes turn Double-Layered

Hakuba is an example of this Ancient Knight & Cavendish is his Host (Meaning if Cavendish dies, Hakuba will transfer to a new Host, probably a Baby. Similar to how DFs work, They are basically Human Versions of DFs, but instead of Abilities, they gain all Experience of previous lives)

Other Hosts include Mihawk, Imu, Vista, T-Bone & many others (Brook & Crocodile are other Possibilities but not sure).
Mihawk & Imu already merged with Devil inside them gaining all their Life Experience, others are still living like Sleeper Agents
(Waiting to be Awakened exactly similar to Absalom when He awakened General Zombies)

This is why Mihawk is WSS, He basically lived more than once, so his Battle Experience is Unmatched & hence why Zoro needs to Triple his Power (Asura) to reach his Level of Swordsmanship & this is why Oda was gonna call him Clairvoyant, it's cuz He sees beyond this World

Oda hinted at it many times with Cross References, his Ship is a Coffin, his Name is reference to Dracula which is Vampire, Dragon & Devil, He is also very Bored as if He lived for long, Zoro said S-Hawk is Human compared to Mihawk ... etc

20 is cuz there are 20 Knights Swords near Empty Throne, there are 20 Celestial Dragon Families, there are 20 General Zombies
(Thriller Bark is a Mini-Version of entire Story, it's extremely Spoilery)

This Final Saga is indeed "The One Piece Story", everything from Wano & before was just very long Foreshadowing & World Building & Teaser
Yes, He is basically Endgame Version of Caesar
Let me give an idea of what He done

Kaidou was Main Villain of Raid while Big Mom was Secondary Villain
Big Mom was the one who gave Kaidou his Powers (His Fruit)

When SHs reached Punk Hazard, They found Caesar is working on Two Projects
Smile Fruits ---> To create an Army fitting of Kaidou (King of Beasts or Strongest Creature)
Giant Children ---> They were basically a Copy of Big Mom
So Caesar was technically creating Main Villain's Army & Copying Secondary Villain

Final Villain was also granted his Powers (Uranus) by someone else (Secondary Villain)
Actually Oda Hinted at existence of these Two Major Villains at End of Raid when Kaidou's Fall created a Swirly Hole while Big Mom's Hole was next to it (Exactly as we've seen during Enies Lobby Arc, there is a Huge Whirlpool in Grand Line & Next to it is a Massive Hole
(Final Villain is related to that Whirlpool while Secondary Villain is related to that Ennies Lobby Hole)

Anyway, this Willie Gallon guy did the same as Ceasar, He worked on Two Projects
1. Create an Army worthy of Final Villain (He is Sea God)
2. Do experiments on certain People to give them qualities to Host same Powers as Secondary Villain (He is Sea Devil)

That Army came to be known as "Sea Kings"
Those People came to be known as "D."
And just like Kaidou's Army got turned against him thanks to a Girl (O-Tama), Sea Kings also changed sides thanks to First Poseidon

Actually, Final Villain have Uranus Powers, his Army were Sea Kings & He had a Secondary Villain on his side
A Mermaid took control of Sea Kings so She received the Title "Poseidon"
A Man created a Weapon to defeat Secondary Villain (Sea Devil) & send it to Depths of World, so it received Title of "Pluton"
And Rebel Leader got his hands on same Powers as Final Villain, which received the Name "Uranus"

Just like Kaidou's Army was Stopped by O-Tama, His Secondary Villain (Big Mom) was shot down to a deep deep hole by a Powerful Canon (Kid) & Rebel Leader (Momo) was able to unlock same Powers as Kaidou (His DF)

What do O-Tama, Momo & Kid have in Common? Not only They are Foreshadowing of Three Ancient Weapons, but They are the ones who got attacked by Kaidou himself (Momo during his Flashback, Kid during Kaidou's Introduction & O-Tama during Wano Act 1 after her Village was Destroyed)

This is how i knew that Final Villain is gonna send his Subordinate to Destroy Poseidon's Home (Fishmen Island) & that's obviously Vander Decken The First (Wearing Mary Geoise Straw Hat), and i knew that Final Villain is gonna be Introduced on the Island of only Man who inherited a Mind capable of building something like Pluton, that's obviously Vegapunk & this is why i knew that Rebel Leader (Dragon) have same Powers as Final Villain (But way Inferior, meaning He also has Uranus Powers) and this also means that just like Momo, Dragon became a Freedom Fighter after He had an encounter with this Final Villain

As for Secondary Villain, it's Sea Devil & it's none other than Blackbeard's Final Form (The reason He is called "They") & the reason Urouge said "Blackbeard is Eye of The Storm, He is The Key". Actually the reason Luffy & Blackbeard Parallel each other is cuz Blackbeard is basically Final Villain's Champion while Luffy is Dragon's Champion

Dragon mirrors Final Villain
Luffy mirros Blackbeard
Sabo mirrors Imu
Five Revo Commanders mirror Gorosei

So those with D. are simply Descendants of People whom Willie Gallon turned into Potential Hosts of World Ending Power (Think of them as Moria's Oars but on a World Scale, not Island Scale), this is why CDs say "If you misbehave, D. will come & eat you"

Sorry for Long Post, but i'm just excited about this Arc's Ending, cuz i've been waiting for it for Years
As for Double-Layered Eyed People, i will leave it's explanation for another time, let's just say that there are 20 Immortal Knights who keep getting resurrected inside Human Hosts, and when They finally Sync/Their awareness merges, their Eyes turn Double-Layered

Hakuba is an example of this Ancient Knight & Cavendish is his Host (Meaning if Cavendish dies, Hakuba will transfer to a new Host, probably a Baby. Similar to how DFs work, They are basically Human Versions of DFs, but instead of Abilities, they gain all Experience of previous lives)

Other Hosts include Mihawk, Imu, Vista, T-Bone & many others (Brook & Crocodile are other Possibilities but not sure).
Mihawk & Imu already merged with Devil inside them gaining all their Life Experience, others are still living like Sleeper Agents
(Waiting to be Awakened exactly similar to Absalom when He awakened General Zombies)

This is why Mihawk is WSS, He basically lived more than once, so his Battle Experience is Unmatched & hence why Zoro needs to Triple his Power (Asura) to reach his Level of Swordsmanship & this is why Oda was gonna call him Clairvoyant, it's cuz He sees beyond this World

Oda hinted at it many times with Cross References, his Ship is a Coffin, his Name is reference to Dracula which is Vampire, Dragon & Devil, He is also very Bored as if He lived for long, Zoro said S-Hawk is Human compared to Mihawk ... etc

20 is cuz there are 20 Knights Swords near Empty Throne, there are 20 Celestial Dragon Families, there are 20 General Zombies
(Thriller Bark is a Mini-Version of entire Story, it's extremely Spoilery)

This Final Saga is indeed "The One Piece Story", everything from Wano & before was just very long Foreshadowing & World Building & Teaser
It's a nice theory and all, but isn't this kind of rude to the OP? Hijacking their theory thread for your own?
Last poneglyph is probably hidden in the man marked by the flames hideout.I hope he somehow lives in Emerald City lol We need a Jaya and Thriller Bark 2.0.
Post automatically merged:

Where is the last Road Poneglyph?

Why was it taken from Fishman Island?

Who is the Man Marked by Flames?

How does he possess or have knowledge of the last Road Poneglyph?

How is he able to conjure whirlpools to cause dismay to those who near him?

A thousand questions could be asked that panders the location of the last Road Poneglyph and the identity of the man who was “marked by flames”. However, I’m only going to stick to these main six to create a detailed theory of location of the Poneglyph and the identity of our mysterious man.

The Road Poneglyphs

As we all know, there are a total of four Road Poneglyphs located throughout the world. Three of the four were placed on islands that seemed to be allied with Joy Boy and Big Mom somehow gained possession of the fourth from an unknown location.

We can assume that the Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s possession came from another race allied with Joy Boy, the Giants! However, that is still speculation and not important to our overall theory, so I will not elaborate.

Fishman Island (10,000 Meters Below Sea Level)

Zou (Inside the Whale Tree)

Wano (Under Mt. Fuji)

Whole Cake Island (Elbalf?)

If we assume that WCI Road Poneglyph came from Elbalf, then that would mean four for the most important “people” to Joy Boy. Each in locations that are extremely hard to reach by the regular person.

Where Is Fishman Island’s Road Poneglyph?

The last Road Poneglyph had been sitting in FMI for who knows how long. The first person we see interact with it is Roger, 25 years prior to where we are now, and just before he reached Laugh Tale.

Somewhere between Roger’s arrival at Laugh Tale and the death of Roger would the Poneglyph become missing.

So this panders the first question…

Due to recent chapters, we can confirm that it is not on Fullalead or Elbalf. If we are to actually look at the Road to Laughtale for insight, then that leaves Vira as the last island standing.


Not much is known, about Vira. It is only ever mentioned two times in the manga and never elaborated more on, but what if I told you Vira could indeed have some connections to the last Road Poneglyph.

Vira is first mentioned in Chapter 96 and again in Chapter 228:

“But wait! How is Vira connected to the Poneglyph and it’s only been mentioned two times like 10 years ago.”

Well my young padawans… This is where the deep dive into the theory fully starts!

Oda Chapter Number Theory

As we all know, Oda loves to use his chapter numbers as ways to callback certain events, or tease certain events for the future.

Would you believe me if I told you by mixing some numbers around I may have the location of the last Poneglyph and the Man Marked by Flames? You don’t? Well look below and I’ll turn your thoughts around.

First I will confirm that you can indeed use chapter numbers sometimes to find a callback or a foreshadow.

Part 1 “The Importance of 96”:

The Man Marked by Flames was first teased in Chapter 1056.

Guess who else had something to say in Chapter 1056?

Hmm… Caribou eavesdropping on Ancient Weapon conversation? How about I reverse the chapter number from 1056 to 650 & 651.

Chapter 650:

“Who’s that Pokémon?!?!”

It’s eavesdropping Caribou of course and just like I said, if we use the Chapter Number Theory then there is indeed connections between a lot of things.

“But what is Vira’s connection to the number theory?”

69… 96… Volume 96… What if I told you these could be analogies for the beginning and the end?

In Chapter 96 we first get Vira/Villa mentioned by name, but what is the overall importance of Chapter 96?

“96… Why does it keep popping up? Why is 96 so important?”

In Volume 96 or to be more specific Chapter 967 (96 again?!?!) we finally get to see Roger’s route to the One Piece from the beginning to the end as well as the names of his crew.

So to make a long theory short… While Loguetown is the beginning and end of Roger, it is also the beginning of journey, but not yet the end. Just as Vira was mentioned in Chapter 96 makes me believe it will be the “end” of our journey.

Not in the sense that it will be the last island we travel to, but in the sense that it is the island where we receive the last Poneglyph, which would mark the end of our journey for the Four Road Poneglyphs.

Part 2 “The Man Marked by Flames”:

“Honestly I’m still not sold… You haven’t even talked about the Man Marked by Flames yet. What is his importance?”

As said above, the man marked by flames was first mentioned in Chapter 1056 and if we reverse the numbers we arrive back at Fishman Island where some of the Poneglyphs are explained. The main question is why would someone move the Poneglyph from Fishman Island?

“Have we seen someone move a Poneglyph before?”

Indeed we have in the cover story of Chapter 778:

There we see Jinbei, a Fishman moving a Poneglyph from one location to another.

Now this is where we dive back into our number theory.

What if I told you if we reverse Chapter 778 to Chapter 87 we will find the man marked by flames?

Chapter 87:

“Choo is the Man Marked by Flames?!?!?”

Hahaha… No.

So now let’s try to form a connection here:

Jinbei moves a Poneglyph from one location to another.

In the reverse chapter, Choo is hit by the Flame Star and Marked by Flames.

Combine the two and we have a Fishman who was Marked by Flames moving a Poneglyph to another location?

“But where is there any confirmation or acknowledgement that the man marked by flames is a Fishman?”

Chapter 1081:

“But here it says he probably has a devil fruit and is allied with the marines?.”

What if I told you both of those comments were Red Herrings? You get it? Fishman…. A herring fish? Nvm… The joke was funny in my head.

Anyway, I believe that the cause of the whirlpool is due to Fishman related abilities. I remember seeing a trio of Fishman creating a whirlpool before. Would you care to guess who they were?

“So you’re telling me that some random Fishman took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to who knows where and is just traveling the seas sinking people?”

Yes, I’m telling you exactly that… However I don’t think the Fishman who did it is random.

Part 3 “The Roger Pirates”:

Since the Strawhats have started their journey they’ve encountered various members of the Roger Pirates, however the most important two by far are Crocus and Rayleigh.

Crocus was encountered on their entry point in to the Grandline near Reverse Mountain and gave them his Log Pose and knowledge of how to move through the risky waters.

Rayleigh encountered them on Sabaody Archipelago and took it a step further by training Luffy, coating their ship, and telling them how to navigate to Fishman Island.

We’re now nearing the end of the journey and most theorize that a third member from the Roger Pirates will appear and help the crew make their way to Lodestar Island.

If a crew member appears, what could they give them that will help them? Crocus gave a Log Pose to Nami to navigate the Grand Line and Rayleigh coated the Thousand Sunny so that could make their way underwater to get to Fishman Island.

Is it possible the third member has a connection to the last Road Poneglyph and will give them information on how to obtain it in order to reach Lodestar Island?

I myself think this is highly possible and that the man marked by flames is none other than…

Sike! While I do want to see Scopper Gaban in the present time, I for one don’t think he is the one responsible for moving the Poneglyph from Fishman Island. My theory on who the man marked by flames is the lone Fishman that was apart of the Roger Pirates, Sunbell.

Not much is known about Sunbell aside from his name and that he is a Fishman.

However, let’s think thoroughly right now…

The Road Poneglyph was secured safely on Fishman Island. As for as we know it was stolen (given King Neptune hasn’t had any reactions about it), it can be safe to assume that it was simply moved to another location some time after the Roger Pirates returned from Laugh Tale.

It is highly unlikely someone had waltz inside of the kingdom and stone a Poneglyph from under their nose.

I assume that with whatever knowledge they obtained from the Final Island, the Roger Pirates or Sunbell by himself decided to safeguard the last Road Poneglyph.

The Road Poneglyphs that are on Zou and under Wano are nearly impossible to obtain, so in their case they are forever protected unless one reveals the location. The Road Poneglyph in Big Mom’s posses we can assume was stolen from Elbalf some time between her leave from Rocks and before Whitebeard vs Roger.

Even though Fishman Island is several thousand meters underwater, it is still the most visited out of Wano and Zou by regular humans.

The End:

So now to make a long theory short…

Sunbell of the Roger Pirates possible took the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island to some unknown location (Vira or an area near it) to save guard it in hopes that he could pass its information to the people who would appear in 25 years to fulfill whatever prophecy that was on Laugh Tale.

Sunbell’s name could provide insight that he indeed was the one who moved the Poneglyph...

So, let’s think. In a way is Luffy himself not some sort of “Sun Bell”?

When Zunesha hears the Drums of Liberation he signals Joy Boy’s return. We all know what bells are used for, so in this case Luffy is a bell of some sort.

Sunbell could literally be the last point for Luffy that leads to him accomplishing his goals of conquering the sea and becoming the Pirate King.

Vira has already appeared in recent chapters…
Sunbell could have been a sun pirate too,so he would have that tattoo done with a hot iron too.
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