The Minature Rose inspiration

So a few months ago, I was watching this show on Netflix, and they had this particular song playing. I searched it up....and it was called "The Rose of Hiroshima".

The song came out in 1973 and was made in brazil, about the horrific nuke that was dropped on Hiroshima.

Here are the lyrics and a link

Pensem nas criancas // Think of the children
Mudas, Telepáticas // Mute, telepathic
Pensem nas meninas // Think of the girls
Cegas, inexatas // Blind, inexact (amiss)
Pensem nas mulheres // Think of the women
Rotas, alteradas // Torn, altered
Pensem nas feridas // Think of the wounds
Como rosas cálidas // Like burning roses
Mas oh! Nao se esqueçam // But oh! Don’t forget
Da rosa da rosa // The rose of roses
Da rosa de Hiroshima // The rose of Hiroshima
A rosa hereditária // The hereditary rose
A rosa radioativa // The radioactive rose
Estúpida e inválida // Senseless and invalid
A rosa com cirrose // The rose with cirrhosis
A anti-rosa atomica // The atomic anti-rose
Sem cor, sem perfume // Without color, without fragrance
Sem rosa, sem nada // Without rose, without anything

So in my opinion, I think Togashi drew inspiration of the "Rose" from this song, as it uses many metaphors about Rose's to describe the nuke.

Same way Togashi does the same to draw the Minature Rose and its effects....

I see Togashi using so much different inspirations for his work. Its honestly amazing !

@Rosella.Fiamingo @Seth @Just a member @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Dark Admiral @Dragomir etc....