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Fuji vs Cross guild soon?

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Blackbeard said that Koby did something that allowed Blackbeard to oust Wang Z
And what was it? protecting citizens like bb cares, I never said koby and bb team up, whatever it did it help defeat wang zhi, portrayal suggests where koby is at, don't know why you have a problem with koby being commander level when you see what smoker fans say like , or just fans of other character's in general

Yeah a guy who fought with Warlords even if he lost has worst portrayal than a guy who literally runs for 2 chapters with a metal ball and gives up when fodders are about to shoot him. Oh sorry i forgot he cought an arrow and stopped a torped
did bb commanders catch an arrow, did a buster call va catch an arrow , why didn't hibari ask grus or tsuru granddaughter to remove the chain why she ask garp I wonder why, anyways we have grus saying he doesn't want koby to get ahead of him so lol we know where he's at since grus is strong , anyways don't know why a mihawk fan is talking about a character needing feats
Idk if you started the manga recently but there was a time during the MF war that people like you thought that Coby would give Luffy a fight and you know what happened.
It was exactly the same shit with Hancock. All 10 people in the world that like Coby kept spamming that he'll beat her and you know what happened.
Where were you? I was in One Piece circles at the time and I don't remember anyone thinking Koby would give Luffy a hard fight at all. There are always exceptions, but it sounds like you're making things up.

We still don't know how strong Koby is. He hasn't fought anyone. He did fight Luffy Pre-TS though, so people had a general idea of where he ranked relative to Luffy.

Yeah a guy who fought with Warlords even if he lost has worst portrayal than a guy who literally runs for 2 chapters with a metal ball and gives up when fodders are about to shoot him. Oh sorry i forgot he cought an arrow and stopped a torpedo.
Smoker didn't just lose. He was stomped by Doflamingo and mid diffed by Law. To be fair, I expect that the same or worse would have happened to Koby if he'd fought either of them at the time, but Koby's 18. Smoker's 36 and has been at it for what... 20 years already?

Smoker fans bashing Koby for fulfilling the role Oda had always intended for him is so strange to me. Koby became an apprentice for Garp before Smoker was a character in the manga. This was always coming. If anything, Smoker fans should be upset at Law.

At least half of the reason people bash Smoker now and think he's weak are related to Law. First there was Law low diffing Smoker. Then there was that moment when Smoker was at Law's mercy. He tried being defiant when Law said that Smoker would live or die on his whim. When Tashigi starts begging to be freed, Smoker chews her out. Law then calls Smoker a dumbass and says Tashigi is smarter than him and starts giving him orders like Smoker is his cabin boy.

Then Smoker fights Vergo. This is a fight that I personally think he should have won out right. A bit of redemption for Smoker. Instead, Oda has Vergo kick his ass. Some people like to pretend that Smoker let Vergo win to get Law's heart back to repay him (After Law basically treated and talked to him like he was trash), but that's omegacope. If Smoker was stronger than Vergo, he could have just beaten him out right and taken Law's heart back. The truth is that he was to weak to do it. Vergo goes on to beat the tar out of Smoker and break his main weapon. Then Law fights him and Vergo goes all out. Something that he didn't do against Smoker. Vergo has full armament haki on his body. Law gets a cool moment where he easily cuts full CoA Vergo, the lab and a mountain in half, but it makes Smoker look incredibly weak in comparison.

To sum things up, Smoker is a meme in One Piece circles, because Oda made him look weak and stupid to make Law look smart and powerful. Koby had nothing to do with it.

To be clear, Kid is probably way stronger than Koby still and Aokiji would no diff him (if someone in this thread was suggesting that they'd fight). My guess is that he's on the level of the Mid Trio right now. Maybe a little higher, but well below Jinbei or Sanji.
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Not happening imo. Oda is too pussy to have Mihawk fight against toptier 1v1 onscreen. If he wanted Fuji vs Mihawk to happen he had the best opportunity to do it after warlord abolishment but he didn't.

Don't get me wrong, im not trying to downplay Mihawk ive been mihawk supporter since i picked up OP but its pretty clear Oda never gives mihawk the kind of hype(onscreen) he deserves
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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Shanks is Oda's golden boy, also Aramaki and Issho have very different personality. Aramaki is much more emotional while Issho is calm. And unlike Aramaki the racist CD dickrider,n he's a good guy with a good heart (very important in OP, oda treats good characters much better). The worst I could see Issho is callling for a retreat after a clash.
I don't expect Mihawk to kill Issho or anything, just that Oda will make him look more powerful (again like Shanks vs Aramaki).
I don't expect Mihawk to kill Issho or anything, just that Oda will make him look more powerful (again like Shanks vs Aramaki).
Except he never got respect from Oda like Shanks does

Everytine Mihawk appears, he doesn't look mighty as Shanks does
Mihawk isn't Oda favourite character
If Oda wants to showcase Old Gen hype, then he would fight Mihawk first.

Sengoku will clown Mihawk at first but Mihawk will show full power and defeat him. Then Fuji might take over and might defeat Mihawk. Although I don't think Fuji will defeat Mihawk to be fair. Something will interrupt and Cross Guild escapes.
Lolda, as big a fraud he is, I don't think he will ever show anyone aside from Zoro beating or even having a chance to beat Mihawk, tbh.

Also, if Mihawk wins against Sengoku, I don't think Mihawk will be in a condition to immediately take on another Admiral-level fighter like Fujitora.

Your inclusion of Sengoku is interesting, and as much as Mihawk staving off Sengoku and Fujitora at the same time after one shotting Magellan and Impel Down sounds like a dream, supposing my Mihawk vs Fujitora prediction comes even close, I can actually see Sengoku getting stalemated by the newly freed Doffy and Weevil.
so smoker can jump tiers but it's a problem if the guy with the fastest growth in the manga does so? :risiup:
@MarineHQ is a hypocrite
But but he can t jump tiers but smoker will
Koby is the future of marines
Smoker is a jobber on drake s level

Hakimen>>>jobbers with fruits
That s why garp is washing that logia bum aokiji
@MarineHQ is a hypocrite
But but he can t jump tiers but smoker will
Koby is the future of marines
Smoker is a jobber on drake s level

Hakimen>>>jobbers with fruits
That s why garp is washing that logia bum aokiji
Cry bozo. Smoker started off on a different level. Koby has yet to prove himself on PH Smoker's level let alone above. Months passed since PH and Smoker has had a reason to get stronger after getting his ass worked three times in the same arc.

Whatever happens both Koby and Smoker will be Admirals therefore part of the agenda so they're beyond your reach.

Same for Garp. Your shameless ass can't wank him. He neg diffs Zoro, Mihawk or whichever fodder you're stanning, even that isn't easy to say considering how often you change your coat.
Cry bozo. Smoker started off on a different level. Koby has yet to prove himself on PH Smoker's level let alone above. Months passed since PH and Smoker has had a reason to get stronger after getting his ass worked three times in the same arc.

Whatever happens both Koby and Smoker will be Admirals therefore part of the agenda so they're beyond your reach.

Same for Garp. Your shameless ass can't wank him. He neg diffs Zoro, Mihawk or whichever fodder you're stanning, even that isn't easy to say considering how often you change your coat.